Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Wardha Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members


Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Wardha Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members

Wardha, Maharashtra
Estd 1990
Private College

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Faculty Details

Hon’ble Shri.Dattaji Meghe
Dr. Ujwal Gajbe
Qualification - MBBS, MD
Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy
Dr. A.T.Rawekar
Qualification - MBBS, MD
Professor & Head, Department of Physiology
Dr. Ajay Meshram
Qualification - MBBS, MD
Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry
Mrs. D.A. Biswas
Qualification - MBBS,MD
Professor, Department of Physiology
Dr. Nalima Tankhiwale
Qualification - MBBS,MD
Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology
Dr. Silpi Basak
Professor, Department of Microbiology

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Faculty 2024 FAQs

Information about the faculty members is often available on the official JNMC website. Navigate to the "Faculty" or "Our Team" section for details about the academic staff.

Yes, JNMC typically employs experienced and qualified professors. Check the faculty profiles on the official website to learn more about their qualifications and expertise.

Many faculty members are open to communication. Check the contact information provided on the website or reach out to the college administration to inquire about the best way to connect with faculty for academic guidance.

Some colleges have visiting or guest faculty members who bring industry expertise. Check with the college administration or browse the faculty section on the website for information on any visiting faculty.

Faculty engagement in research can vary. Many educational institutions encourage research activities. Check the faculty profiles or the college's research initiatives to learn more about research involvement.

Stay informed about faculty developments by regularly checking the college's official website or social media channels. Some colleges also release newsletters or updates regarding faculty achievements.

Many colleges encourage student-faculty collaboration on research projects. Inquire with the college administration or specific faculty members about opportunities for student involvement in research.

Faculty qualifications and research interests are often available on the college website. Visit the faculty profiles section or contact the college administration for detailed information about individual faculty members.

Diversity in faculty can include a mix of academic backgrounds, research interests, and professional experiences. Explore the faculty profiles or contact the college for information on the diversity of the academic staff.

Many colleges offer mentoring or academic advising services. Check with the college administration or specific faculty members to inquire about available programs for academic guidance and support.

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