DRK College of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members


DRK College of Engineering and Technology

DRK College of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members

Hyderabad, Telangana
Estd 2006
Private College

DRK College of Engineering and Technology Faculty Details

Mr. D.B. Chandra Sekha Rao
Prof. G.Rupa
Qualification - M.Tech
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Prof. T Sharvani
Qualification - M.Tech
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Prof. Boina Bhavani
Qualification - M.Tech
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Prof. U.Naveen
Qualification - M.Tech
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Prof. K Suresh Chand
Qualification - M.Tech
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mrs. Divya Nair
Qualification - M.Tech
Assistant Professor , Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Mr. G .Hari Teja
Qualification - M.Tech
Assistant Professor , Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Qualification - M.Tech
Assistant Professor , Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Prof. Meka Jyothi
Qualification - M.Sc
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Science
Prof. A S Padmashree
Qualification - M.Sc , M.Phil
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Science
Mr. Kunde Komuraiah
Qualification - M.Sc
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Science
Prof. N Sridevi
Qualification - MBA
Assistant Professor, Department of MBA
Prof. KH Melody
Qualification - MBA
Assistant Professor, Department of MBA

DRK College of Engineering and Technology Faculty 2024 FAQs

The faculty at DRK College consists of experienced educators, industry professionals, and researchers who bring diverse expertise to the academic environment.

Faculty members undergo a rigorous selection process based on their qualifications, teaching experience, research contributions, and industry experience, ensuring high standards of education.

Yes, students have opportunities to interact with faculty members outside of class through office hours, academic counseling sessions, research projects, and participation in extracurricular activities.

Yes, faculty members actively participate in research activities, collaborate on projects, publish papers in reputed journals, and contribute to advancements in their respective fields.

The college organizes faculty development programs, workshops, seminars, and conferences to enhance teaching skills, promote research endeavors, and keep faculty members updated with the latest trends in their fields.

Yes, faculty mentors are assigned to students to provide guidance, support, and mentorship throughout their academic journey, helping them navigate challenges and achieve their goals.

Yes, students are encouraged to provide feedback on faculty performance through regular evaluations and surveys, ensuring continuous improvement in teaching quality and student satisfaction.

Yes, the college acknowledges outstanding faculty members through awards, honors, and recognitions for their exemplary contributions to teaching, research, and service within the institution.

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