

BTech in Cloud Technology Admission 2024: Eligibility, Entrance Exam, Syllabus

4 Years
Full Time

The B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) in Cloud Technology is a dynamic undergraduate program designed to equip students with the knowledge and capabilities needed to excel in the rapidly growing field of cloud computing. This course provides students with comprehensive skills in cloud technologies, offerings and architectures. Cloud Architecture, Deployment and Management prepares you for a career in cloud architecture.

Courses typically include major topics such as cloud infrastructure, virtualization, distributed computing, and security. Students understand the intricacies of popular cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as gain hands-on experience through games and activities The software emphasizes the ability to design scalable green cloud solutions, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for enterprise demands.

BTech in Cloud Technology Course Highlights

Duration 4 Years
Course Fee INR 3 to 6 Lacs
Eligibility 10+2 from a recognized Board
Average Course Fee INR 2 to 7 Lacs
Admission Process Counseling after taking entrance exam

BTech Cloud Technology Admission Process

Stage Key Steps
Preparation: Research universities, understand eligibility criteria, gather documents like mark sheets and entrance exam scores.
Application: Choose universities, fill online or offline application forms, pay fees, submit documents.
Entrance Exams: Prepare for relevant exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, or university-specific tests.
Selection: Shortlisting based on entrance scores, merit ranks, or interviews.
Confirmation: Accept the offer letter, pay admission fees, complete registration formalities.

Top Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Cloud Technology) Colleges in India with Fee Structure

Tabulated below is the collection of the Top Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Cloud Technology) Colleges in India with Fee Structure, including their key features.

BTech Cloud Technology Course Eligibility

Academic Qualifications:

  • 10+2 or equivalent: You must have passed your Class 12th exams with Physics, Mathematics, and either Chemistry or Computer Science as core subjects.
  • Minimum percentage: Most universities require a minimum aggregate score of 50-60% in Class 12th, with specific requirements for individual subjects like Physics and Mathematics.
  • Diploma in Engineering: Some universities consider applicants with a relevant diploma in Engineering for direct admission to the second year of the B.Tech program.

Entrance Exams:

  • National-level exams: Many universities require scores in national-level engineering entrance exams like JEE Main or JEE Advanced.
  • State-level exams: Some universities conduct their own entrance exams for B.Tech programs.
  • Merit-based selection: Certain universities select students based solely on their Class 12th marks and board ranks.

Additional Criteria:

  • Age limit: Some universities have an upper age limit for B.Tech admissions, typically around 22-25 years.
  • Domicile requirements: Certain universities may have domicile requirements for admission.
  • Physical fitness: Some universities require candidates to pass a medical fitness test.

To find the specific eligibility criteria for a particular B.Tech Cloud Technology program:

  • Visit the university's website and check the admission brochure for the program.
  • Contact the university's admission office for clarification.

BTech Cloud Technology Entrance Exams

National Champions:

  • Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main: Your first star is JEE Main, a gateway to prestigious Engineering colleges. With two papers (Mathematics & Physics, Chemistry), it tests your understanding of foundational concepts. Prepare through NCERT textbooks, previous papers, and mock tests. Aim for a high percentile (90+ for top colleges) to unlock the best B.Tech programs.
  • Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced: Conquer the next level with JEE Advanced, a deeper dive into advanced concepts. This exam demands mastery of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Invest in coaching, practice rigorous problem-solving, and aim for exceptional scores (top 10,000) to reach the pinnacle of Engineering institutions.

University Warriors:

  • University-specific entrance exams: Many universities like BITSAT, VITEEE, and SRMJEE conduct their own exams for B.Tech programs. These tests cover similar concepts as JEE, with some variations focusing on university-specific curriculum or emphasis areas. Familiarize yourself with the respective syllabus and pattern for each exam you choose.
  • Merit-based selection: Some universities consider your Class 12th marks and board ranks for B.Tech admissions. Aim for a high percentage (80+ recommended) and excellent grades in relevant subjects like Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science.

Bonus Tips:

  • Start preparing early - consistency is key to success.
  • Analyze your strengths and weaknesses to focus your preparation.
  • Make use of online resources like practice tests, video tutorials, and study materials.
  • Join study groups or online forums for peer support and knowledge exchange.
  • Manage your time effectively and set realistic goals.

Top 10 Engineering Colleges in India with Fee Structure

Tabulated below is the collection of the Top 10 Engineering Colleges in India with Fee Structure, including their key features.

BTech Cloud Technology Syllabus 2024

Semester Syllabus (Left Side) Content Details (Right Side)
1 Programming Fundamentals Introduction to C++, object-oriented programming, data structures, algorithms, problem-solving skills.
Computer Organization & Architecture Digital logic, processor architecture, memory hierarchy, operating systems concepts.
Mathematics for Computing Calculus, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, probability and statistics.
Physics for Computing Physics of semiconductors, electronics fundamentals, communication principles.
2 Data Structures & Algorithms Advanced data structures, algorithm design and analysis, time and space complexity.
Digital Design & Verilog Logic gates, combinational circuits, sequential circuits, Verilog hardware description language.
Computer Networks Network architecture, protocols, routing, switching, network security.
Operating Systems Process management, memory management, file systems, concurrent programming.
3 Database Management Systems Relational databases, SQL queries, database design, transaction management.
Object-Oriented Programming with Java Advanced Java concepts, inheritance, polymorphism, collections, exception handling.
Web Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web server technologies, web application development.
Cloud Computing Fundamentals Introduction to cloud concepts, service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), deployment models, cloud architectures.
4 Linux Programming Shell scripting, system programming, system administration, resource management.
Software Engineering Software development methodologies, requirements engineering, design patterns, testing, project management.
Data Analytics and Visualization Data mining, machine learning, statistical analysis, data visualization tools.
Cloud Service Implementation Cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP), virtual machines, storage services, databases, networking services.
5-8 Advanced Cloud Technologies Blockchain technology, Big Data and Cloud, Edge Computing, Security in Cloud, Cloud Applications, etc.

BTech Cloud Technology Course Placements

Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Cloud Technology) Course Jobs and Salary

Senior Cloud Architect Responsible for overseeing a company's cloud computing strategy, which includes cloud adoption plans, cloud application design, and cloud management and monitoring. 2.5 to 4 Lacs
Cloud System Administrator To produce quality deliverables associated with systems administration and to build, maintain and troubleshoot secure computer environments using automation tools to quickly provision customer environments to global standards.  3 to 6 Lacs
Cloud Product Manager To drive requirements identification and feature delivery associated with the management of data. 4 to 8 Lacs
Cloud Security Specialists To advise, develop and adhere to enterprise-wide and federal standards, policies, and procedures for the planning, analysis, design, construction, and implementation of existing or proposed information systems. 3 to 5.5 Lacs
Cloud Support Engineer To manage enterprise software solutions and communicate effectively across varied levels of technical understanding.  2 to 5 Lacs


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