Durgadevi Saraf Institute of Management Studies Mumbai Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members


Durgadevi Saraf Institute of Management Studies

Durgadevi Saraf Institute of Management Studies Mumbai Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members

Mumbai, Maharashtra
Estd 2010
Private College

Durgadevi Saraf Institute of Management Studies Faculty Details

Mr. Ashok M. Saraf
Dr. Sumana Chaudhuri
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Somesh Kumar Banerji
Associate Professor, Department of Logistics and Operations
Prof. Zubin Sethna
Assistant Professor, Department of Operations
Dr. C Babu
Professor and Director, Department of Marketing
Dr. Chandrashekhar Kaushik
Associate Professor, Department of Marketing
Dr. Sanchita Banerji
Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Management
Ms. Pooja Goswami
Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management
Prof. Anthony Colaco
Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management

Durgadevi Saraf Institute of Management Studies Faculty 2024 FAQs

Information about the release of admission application forms is typically provided on the official website of DSIMS. Applicants should regularly check the website for updates.

The last date for submitting admission applications varies each academic year. Applicants should refer to the official admission notification or website for the specific deadline.

If DSIMS conducts entrance exams for admission, the dates are usually mentioned in the admission notification. Applicants should check the official website or contact the admissions office for details.

Admitted students typically receive information about the academic calendar, class schedules, and orientation details before the commencement of the academic session. This information is usually communicated through official channels.

Industry internships and placement activities often follow a scheduled timeline. DSIMS usually communicates these dates to students through placement cells or career services. Students should stay updated through official channels.

Information about extracurricular events, clubs, and activities is usually shared through campus notice boards, official newsletters, and the institute's website. Students can also inquire at the student affairs office.

Dates for academic and cultural festivals are usually announced well in advance. Students can find this information on the institute's website, notice boards, or through official communications.

Fee payment deadlines are communicated through official channels, including the institute's website and circulars. Students should adhere to the specified deadlines to avoid late fees.

Students can stay informed about changes or updates to important dates by regularly checking the official website, subscribing to official newsletters, and monitoring communication channels established by the institute.

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