BNCA Pune Courses & Fees Structure 2024: [Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women]


Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women

BNCA Pune Courses & Fees Structure 2024: [Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women]

Pune, Maharashtra
Estd 1994
Private College

Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women Courses & Fees Structure 2024

Bachelor of Architecture [B.Arch]
Duration 5 Years
Course Level Graduation
Course Mode Full Time
Course Fees Rs. 99,000/- per year
Rs. 4.95 Lakh Total Fees
Master of Architecture [M.Arch]
Digital Architecture
Duration 2 Years
Course Level Post Graduation
Course Mode Full Time
Course Fees Rs. 99,000/- per year
Rs. 1.98 Lakh Total Fees
Master of Architecture [M.Arch]
Environmental Architecture
Duration 2 Years
Course Level Post Graduation
Course Mode Full Time
Course Fees Rs. 99,000/- per year
Rs. 1.98 Lakh Total Fees
Master of Architecture [M.Arch]
Landscape Architecture
Duration 2 Years
Course Level Post Graduation
Course Mode Full Time
Course Fees Rs. 99,000/- per year
Rs. 1.98 Lakh Total Fees

Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women Admission 2024 FAQs

Information about the fee structure is typically available on the official website of Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women. You may also contact the finance or admissions office for detailed information.

The fee structure for the B.Arch program can vary, and it is advisable to check the official website or contact the college directly for detailed and up-to-date information on the fees.

Additional fees may include examination fees, studio fees, library fees, hostel fees (if applicable), and other miscellaneous charges. The detailed fee structure usually provides a breakdown of these components.

Many colleges offer the option to pay tuition fees in installments. Check with the finance office or refer to the official fee structure for details on payment plans.

Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women may offer scholarships or financial aid to eligible students. Inquire with the college's scholarship office for details on available programs.

Fee structures may vary for different admission quotas. It's advisable to check with the college to understand the specific fee structure for each category.

If the college provides hostel facilities, there will be associated hostel fees. Accommodation is usually optional, and students can choose to stay off-campus if they prefer.

For fee information on programs other than B.Arch, refer to the official website of Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women or contact the admissions office for details.

Colleges usually have a schedule for fee payment, and late payments may attract penalties. Adhere to the deadlines to avoid any additional charges.

Fee structures may be subject to change. Check with the college administration to understand their policies regarding fee revisions during the course duration.

Top Exams Accepted by Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women

NATA - National Aptitude test in Architecture

Offline Mode
Registration Date:8 Mar,2024
Exam Date:21 Apr,2024
Results Date:10 Jun,2024

MAH M Arch CET - Maharashtra MArch CET

Online Mode
Registration Date:20 Feb,2024
Exam Date:30 Apr,2024
Results Date:10 May,2024

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