Best International Business School Bangalore Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members


Best International Business School Bangalore

Best International Business School Bangalore Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members

Bangalore, Karnataka
Estd 2020
Private College

Best International Business School Bangalore Faculty Details

Dr. Rajesh Kumar.C
Prof. MM Swamy
Academic Experience - 27 Years
Chief Administrative Officer
Gopi Anand
Academic Experience - 15 Years
Assistant Professor
Chef. Mahadev Prasad
Academic Experience - 12 Years
QTY Kitchen
Sabapathy Natrajan
Academic Experience - 5 Years
System Admin
Minnath Sultana
Academic Experience - 3 Years
Faculty member

Best International Business School Bangalore Faculty 2024 FAQs

Admission necessities for international students normally encompass a completed software shape, educational transcripts, standardized test scores (including GMAT or GRE), letters of recommendation, a assertion of motive, and evidence of English language skillability (consisting of TOEFL or IELTS).

Yes, worldwide college students may be eligible for scholarships or monetary resource at [Best International Business School Bangalore]. These opportunities range and are typically merit-based totally. It's beneficial to check the faculty's internet site or contact the admissions office for unique information.

[Best International Business School Bangalore] generally offers various guide services for international college students, consisting of orientation applications, cultural trade events, academic advising, and help with accommodation and visa troubles. Additionally, there may be pupil clubs or businesses targeted on selling cultural variety and integration.

[Best International Business School Bangalore] usually gives profession counseling, workshops, networking occasions, and internship/task placement help to assist students discover and stable global career opportunities. The school can also have partnerships with multinational businesses and organizations for recruitment functions.

[Best International Business School Bangalore] frequently gives experiential getting to know possibilities which include consulting projects, internships, look at tours, and international trade applications. These reports provide college students with palms-on publicity to real-world commercial enterprise challenges and help increase realistic competencies and worldwide views.

[Best International Business School Bangalore] commonly prides itself on having a diverse college body comprising professors with diverse educational backgrounds, enterprise enjoy, and worldwide exposure. This range enriches the getting to know enjoy and ensures a wide variety of perspectives in the classroom.

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