Garden City University Bangalore Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members


Garden City University

Garden City University Bangalore Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members

Bangalore, Karnataka
Estd 2013
Private University

Garden City University Faculty Details

Dr. Joseeph V G
Dr. Thomson Thomas
Qualification - MBA, UGC NET
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies
Dr. Syed Azhar Ahmed
Qualification - M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Science
Dr. Shruti Awasthi
Qualification - M.Sc., MBA, M.Phil, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Science
Dr. Shubha Chandra
Qualification - M.Com, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies
Dr. Nagamani J.E
Qualification - M.Sc., PGDND, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Science
Dr. Prema Kulkarni
Qualification - M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Department of Science
Dr. Chethana V Chalapathy
Assistant Professor, Department of Science
Dr. Ajee Kuruvilla
Qualification - PhD, PGDMLE, PGDHA, M.Sc
Professor, School of Sciences
Dr. Baby Niviya Feston
Qualification - Ph. D, MBA, M.Com,M.Sc,NET
Associate Professor, School of Commerce & Management
Dr. Sumit Kumar Singh
Qualification - MATM, B.Com, NET, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, School of Professional Studies
Mr. Joemon K.J
Qualification - M.Sc , M.Phil, (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor, School of Sciences
Prof. Prasanna Mohan
Qualification - MPT, MIAP, MBA (Ph.D)
Associate Professor, School of Health Sciences

Garden City University Faculty 2024 FAQs

The eligibility criteria can vary depending on the specific program you're interested in. Generally, candidates should have completed their previous education (such as 10+2 for undergraduate programs or a Bachelor's degree for postgraduate programs) from a recognized institution. Specific eligibility requirements will be provided in the admission brochure or on the university's website.

To apply for admission, you can visit the official website of Garden City University and navigate to the admissions section. There, you'll find information about the application process, including whether it's done online or through other means. Follow the provided instructions to complete and submit your application.

Garden City University may conduct its own entrance exams for certain programs. Additionally, candidates may be considered based on national-level entrance exam scores, if applicable. Check the specific program's admission requirements for details.

The required documents typically include educational transcripts and certificates, identity proof, passport-sized photographs, and any other documents specified by the university. Make sure to check the official website or admission brochure for the exact list of required documents.

Yes, Garden City University often welcomes applications from international students. There may be additional requirements for international applicants, such as providing proof of English language proficiency and following a separate admission process. Check the university's international admissions section for details.

The application fee can vary depending on the program and may be subject to change. Details about the application fee will be provided in the admission brochure or on the university's website.

The application deadlines can vary by program and may be subject to change. It's crucial to visit the official website or contact the university's admissions office to find the most up-to-date information on application deadlines.

The selection process typically includes evaluating the candidate's academic performance, entrance exam scores (if applicable), and any other criteria specified by the university. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for counseling or interviews.

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