Manikchand Pahade Law College Aurangabad Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members


Manikchand Pahade Law College

Manikchand Pahade Law College Aurangabad Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members

Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Estd 1956
Public College

Manikchand Pahade Law College Faculty Details

Dr. Ch. N. V. Manikyala Rao
Ms. Bhagyashree V Paranjape
Qualification - B. Sc., LL.B., M. A., LL. M., NET
Academic Experience - 10 Years
Assistant Professor, Department of Law
Mr. Dinesh B. Kolte
Qualification - B.Sc., M.B.A., L.L.M., NET
Academic Experience - 9 Years
Assistant Professor, Department of Law
Dr. Aparna N Kottapalle
Qualification - LL.B., LL.M. NET, Ph.D.
Academic Experience - 6 Years
Assistant Professor, Department of Law
MR. Dinesh B. Kolte
Qualification - BSL.LL.B., LL.M, NET,
Academic Experience - 6 Years
Assistant Professor, Department of Law
Mr. Amol D. Chavhan
Qualification - B.A., LL.B., LL.M., NET
Academic Experience - 5 Years
Assistant Professor, Department of Law
Ms. Sheetal S. Barhate
Qualification - BSL.L.L.B, LL.M
Academic Experience - 5 Years
Assistant Professor, Department of Law
Ms. Pratibha R. Girbhane
Qualification - B.Sc., LL.B., LL.M
Academic Experience - 5 Years
Assistant Professor, Department of Law
Mr. Abhay D. Jadhav
Qualification - BSL LLB, LLM., NET
Academic Experience - 5 Years
Assistant Professor, Department of Law

Manikchand Pahade Law College Faculty 2024 FAQs

Information about the faculty is typically available on the official college website. You can visit the "Faculty" or "Academic Staff" section to find details about the faculty members, their qualifications, and areas of expertise.

Colleges generally aim to have a mix of experienced and qualified faculty members. You can find details about the experience and qualifications of the faculty members on the college website or in the college prospectus.

Faculty members at Manikchand Pahade Law College likely specialize in various disciplines, including law, legal studies, and related fields. The college website or prospectus should provide information about the specific areas of expertise of the faculty.

Yes, many colleges provide a faculty directory on their website or in printed materials. This directory typically includes the names, designations, and contact information of faculty members.

Yes, you can usually contact faculty members for academic queries or guidance. Contact details, such as email addresses or office hours, are often available on the college website. Alternatively, you can reach out to the college administration for assistance.

Many colleges encourage interaction between students and faculty outside of class through office hours, mentoring programs, and extracurricular activities. Check with the college administration or specific departments for information on such opportunities.

Some colleges invite visiting or guest faculty members who bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the academic environment. Information about visiting faculty members may be available on the college website or through official announcements.

Colleges often conduct faculty development programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of faculty members. Check with the college administration or the academic affairs department for information on faculty development initiatives.

Yes, faculty members at law colleges are often involved in research activities. You can inquire about ongoing research projects and publications by faculty members through the college website or academic departments.

The selection process for faculty members typically involves a thorough evaluation of academic qualifications, research experience, and teaching abilities. The college may follow a transparent recruitment process, and vacancies are often advertised on the college website or in academic journals.

Top Exams Accepted by Manikchand Pahade Law College


Online Mode
Registration Date:1 Mar,2024
Exam Date:2 May,2024
Results Date:21 May,2024

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