Government Law College Mumbai Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members


Government Law College

Government Law College Mumbai Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members

Mumbai, Maharashtra
Estd 1855
Public College

Government Law College Faculty Details

Dr. Rohidas Kale
Dr. Rohidas Kale
I/c Principal
Dr. Smt. Rachita S. Ratho
Associate Professor
Dr. Shrinaag Panchbhai
Assistant Professor
Smt. Kavita Hedaoo
Assistant Professor
Shri. Pandurang Daphal
Assistant Professor
Dr. Umesh S. Aswar
Assistant Professor
Smt. Anita Desale
Assistant Professor
Smt. Nuzhat Afroz Abdul Q. Shaikh
Assistant Professor
Shri. Gaddapwar Santosh H.
Assistant Professor
Smt. Ruta Vaity
Assistant Professor
Smt. Shweta Shiraskar
Assistant Professor
Smt. Krutika Tembhurnikar
Assistant Professor
Dr. Vikrant Yadav
Assistant Professor
Shri. Homer Pithawalla
Adjunct Faculty
Shri. Panjwani Iqbal Roshanally
Adjunct Faculty
Shri. Shamim Dalvi
Adjunct Faculty
Smt. P. S. Mehta
Adjunct Faculty
Shri. Kishu Daswani
Adjunct Faculty
Smt. Sunita Jimmy Masani
Adjunct Faculty
Ms. Rooprekha O. Chhabria
Adjunct Faculty

Government Law College Faculty 2024 FAQs

Faculty members at Government Law College typically possess a combination of academic qualifications and industry experience. Many educators bring practical insights into the classroom, enriching the learning experience for students.

Faculty engagement in research can vary, but many academic institutions, including Government Law College, encourage faculty members to participate in research activities. This involvement often contributes to a dynamic and evolving curriculum.

Government Law College values diversity, and this is often reflected in its faculty composition. Faculty members may come from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and industries, contributing to a rich and inclusive learning environment.

Many academic institutions, including Government Law College, encourage an open and interactive learning environment. Students often have opportunities to interact with faculty members outside of the classroom through office hours, mentorship programs, and various campus activities.

Government Law College often invites guest speakers and industry experts to deliver lectures or participate in academic programs. This practice enhances the practical relevance of the curriculum and provides students with insights from professionals in the field.

The selection process for faculty members at Government Law College typically involves a rigorous evaluation of their academic qualifications, industry experience, teaching capabilities, and research contributions. The goal is to assemble a faculty team that can deliver high-quality education.

Faculty development is a common practice in academic institutions, and Government Law College may have programs in place to support the ongoing professional development of its faculty members. This can include workshops, training sessions, and collaborative research opportunities.

The student-to-faculty ratio can vary depending on the program and class size. A lower student-to-faculty ratio often allows for more personalized attention and interaction between students and faculty members.

Many academic institutions, including Government Law College, prioritize accessibility and mentorship. Faculty members are often available for academic guidance, mentorship, and discussions to support students in their educational journey.

Government Law College may have mechanisms in place for students to provide feedback on faculty performance. This feedback is valuable for continuous improvement and maintaining high teaching standards.

Top Exams Accepted by Government Law College


Online Mode
Registration Date:1 Mar,2024
Exam Date:2 May,2024
Results Date:21 May,2024

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