

LEET Syllabus 2024: Engineering Entrance Test Subject-wise Topics Check at @hstes.org.in

Haryana Lateral Entry Entrance Test

The Lateral Entry Entrance Test (LEET) is a merit-based examination designated by the Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) for selection applicants directly into the 2nd year of BTech and BPharma programmes. It is possible for candidates who attain their diploma or hold a BSc degree to enter directly into the 2nd year of engineering and pharmacy offered in different UPTU affiliated colleges. 

LEET is a hundred-questions, multiple-choice exam divided into 4 sections containing 2 subjects each - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English/Hindi/Social Studies. The exam's quality is very comparable to the other engineering state level entrance exams, such as the JEE Mains. Any correct answer will get you one mark, there is no mark reduction.

As part of the planning of LEET 2024, the organizers have decided to celebrate the event in the month of June. The registration process starting from 3 months before the examination day is normally done. Finally, after the exam is fully over, UPTU will make the LEET result announcement on their official website which will be within a month's time. This implies a rank on all India level and division-wise rank of candidates who are qualified. The admission procedure starts with seat allotment and counseling sessions which are aimed at placing the applicants to different colleges and programs ranked according to their scores, course preferences and availability.

LEET Exam Highlights 2024

Highlight Description
Exam date: October 22, 2024
Registration dates: August 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024
Eligibility: All students who are enrolled in a complete-time undergraduate or postgraduate application in a diagnosed university or school are eligible to register for LEET.

LEET Syllabus 2024

Topic Technical Section Quantitative Section
Data Structures and Algorithms Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Tree, Graph, Searching and Sorting, Recursion Probability, Statistics, Calculus, Algebra
Programming Languages C, C++, Java, Python Data Structures and Algorithms
Operating Systems Processes, Threads, Memory Management, File Systems, Scheduling Probability, Statistics
Computer Networks TCP/IP, HTTP, DNS, Routing, Switching Data Structures and Algorithms
Databases Relational Databases, SQL, ACID Transactions Data Structures and Algorithms

LEET Chapter-wise Weightage

Topic Chapter Weightage
Data Structures and Arrays Arrays 10%
Data Structures and Linked Lists Linked Lists 10%
Data Structures and Stacks Stacks 5%
Data Structures and Queues Queues 5%
Data Structures and Trees Trees 10%
Data Structures and Graphs Graphs 10%
Programming Languages and C C 5%
Programming Languages and C++ C++ 5%
Programming Languages and Java Java 5%
Programming Languages and Python Python 5%
Operating Systems and Processes Processes 5%
Operating Systems and Threads Threads 5%
Operating Systems and Memory Management Memory Management 5%
Operating Systems and File Systems File Systems 5%
Operating Systems and Scheduling Scheduling 5%
Computer Networks and Networking Fundamentals Networking Fundamentals 5%
Computer Networks and TCP/IP TCP/IP 5%
Databases and Relational Databases Relational Databases 5%
Databases and SQL SQL 5%
Databases and ACID Transactions ACID Transactions 5%

Previous Year LEET Syllabus Analysis

Topic Weightage (Technical Section) Previous Year Questions
Data Structures and Algorithms 40% Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Graphs, Searching and Sorting, Recursion
Programming Languages (C, C++, Java, Python) 20% C, C++, Java, Python
Operating Systems 15% Processes, Threads, Memory Management, File Systems, Scheduling
Computer Networks 10% TCP/IP, HTTP, DNS, Routing, Switching
Databases 15% Relational Databases, SQL, ACID Transactions

LEET Important Books for Preparation 2024

Book Author Topic
Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy Narasimhan Data Structures and Algorithms
Introduction to Algorithms Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein Data Structures and Algorithms
Cracking the Coding Interview Gayle Laakmann McDowell Programming Languages
Programming Pearls Jon Bentley Programming Languages
Operating System Concepts Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, and Greg Gagne Operating Systems
Computer Networks Andrew S. Tanenbaum and David J. Wetherall Computer Networks
Database Systems: Concepts, Design, and Applications Silberschatz, Korth, and Sudarshan Databases

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