

ILICAT Exam Date 2024: Counselling, Exam Schedule Check at @ili.ac.in

Indian Law Institute Common Admission Test

Indian Law Institution Common Admission Test (ILICAT) is a nation-level desciplinary examination held by the Indian Law Institute for the purpose of admission into its undergraduate and post graduate courses. The ILICAT is a type of assessments which is based on multiple choice questions and it is aimed at evaluating an applicant's logical thinking, numerical skills, the English language proficiency and knowledge on current legal concepts and trends. The exam that has a different section which tests logical reasoning, legal aptitude, knowledge with a focus on legal aspects, an English language competence and some additional papers for undergraduates and graduates. 

The group of ILICAT results consists of the candidate's part and overall percentiles. While the last couple of years had a delay in the scorecard delivery after the entrance exam, in the recent times, we have also started publishing the ILICAT scorecards within 10-15 days after the exam. The date of taking the ILICAT exam for 2024 remains unconfirmed as of now, according to the Indian Law Institute But as per our previous years' exam schedule which is May 2024 for both undergraduate and postgraduate (ILICAT 2024), the examination is presumably scheduled to be held. The accountees are usually notified of the results at around 2-3 week after the declaration.

ILICAT Exam Highlight 2024

Feature Description
Exam Name Indian Law Institute Common Admission Test (ILICAT) 2024
Conducting Authority Indian Law Institute
Official Website https://www.ili.ac.in/
Mode of Application Online
Application Fee ₹3,000 for General/Unreserved category candidates

ILICAT Exam Day Guidelines 2024

- Get to the test centre 30 minutes before you are supposed to, as early on examination day as possible. The process involved here for instance is going through inspection, locating your seat, and the like. 

- Likewise, please have valid identification with you - typically, a driver's license or other government-issued such an item containing your picture, signature, and name. The ID requirements may be informed to the examinees by email, those details may also be placed on the inquiry page.

- During the trip security and the check-in process would be real and so do remember it. Follow and obey each sign and staff instructions. 

- Listing the allowed items in the testing room reassures students to not take any item into the room. This implies no IDs, keys etc. Generally, there are no bags, phones, watches, wallets, etc. in this case. 

- The students may come to the class room well ahead of the the scheduled exam time so that they may walk through a few questions just to get oriented to the computer testing format.

- When taking the exam, please spend your time responding to all the questions in the best manner you can. Raise a red flag on questions that require additional explanation and take notes if such an option is present. 

- Be nice and positive through the whole journey Go to bed earlier if you can as the extra sleep will help. Also, trust the practice you put in as it will improve your performance.


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