

Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Admission 2024: Colleges, Jobs, Salary, Syllabus

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The Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy gives a holistic know-how of ancient health practices via combining the standards of yoga and naturopathy. This comprehensive program generally consists of yoga philosophy, asanas (postures), meditation, pranayama (respiratory exercises), anatomy and the basics of herbal healing.

Students delve into therapeutic packages of yoga and naturopathy and learn how to promote ordinary wellbeing clearly. The curriculum frequently emphasizes the integration of traditional and present day strategies to health, that specialize in lifestyle, food plan and herbal treatments for preventative and medical health care.

Diploma in Naturopathy Course Highlights

Average salary INR 1 to 9 lacs per annum
Course Fee INR 7,200 to 13 lac
Course level Diploma
Duration 1 to 3 years
Examination Type Semesters
Top Recruiting Companies Ministry of AYUSH, Ministry of Health, Government of India, National Institute of Naturopathy (NIN), etc.
Job Positions Naturopathy Physician, Therapist, Assistant Research Officer, Naturopathy Consultant, etc.
Eligibility Passing standard 10th or 12th in any stream such as science, arts or commerce with a minimum of 50% marks and above from a recognized board.
Admission process Merit Based

Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Admission Process

Stage Description
Eligibility: 10+2 or equivalent with Science/any stream is the most common requirement. Some institutes might ask for specific subjects like Biology or Physical Education.
Entrance Exams: Many institutes conduct their own entrance exams testing basic Science, English, and sometimes Yoga knowledge. Some might accept scores from national-level exams like NEET or JIPMER.
Application Process: Online or offline form submission is usually the norm. Fill out the form carefully, attaching necessary documents like mark sheets, certificates, and entrance exam scores (if applicable).
Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates might be called for an interview or group discussion to assess communication skills, personality suitability, and motivation for pursuing this field.
Fee Payment and Enrollment: Selected candidates must pay the required fees within the stipulated timeframe. Complete the enrollment formalities and attend the induction program.

Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Course Eligibility

Minimum Education:

  • Most institutes require a pass in 10+2 (Higher Secondary Examination) or its equivalent from a recognized board.
  • Some programs might accept candidates with 10th standard (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) if they have completed vocational training in Yoga or related fields.

Subject Requirements:

  • While Science stream (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) is preferred by some institutes, many accept candidates from any stream.
  • Certain programs might specifically require subjects like Biology, Zoology, or Physical Education at the 10+2 level.

Additional Criteria:

  • Age limit: Some institutes might have a minimum and/or maximum age limit for applicants.
  • Entrance exams: Many institutes conduct their own entrance exams to assess basic scientific knowledge, aptitude, and English language skills. Some might accept scores from national-level exams like NEET or JIPMER.
  • Physical fitness: Certain programs may require a medical fitness certificate to ensure the candidate can handle the physical demands of the program.
  • Previous experience: Some institutes might prioritize candidates with prior experience in Yoga or alternative therapies.

Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Entrance Exams

1. Basic Sciences:

  • Human Anatomy and Physiology: Understanding the human body's structure and function is crucial in both Yoga and Naturopathy. Expect questions on bones, muscles, organs, nervous system, digestive system, etc.
  • Biology: A grasp of basic biological concepts like cell structure, genetics, and enzyme action is often tested.

2. Yoga and Naturopathy Principles:

  • Yoga Philosophy: Questions on the eight limbs of Yoga, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, and different Yoga schools might appear.
  • Naturopathic Medicine: Understanding the five principles of Naturopathy (vis medicatrix naturae, unity of the body-mind-spirit, first do no harm, identify and treat the cause, prevention is better than cure) is essential.
  • Natural Healing Modalities: Knowledge of hydrotherapy, acupressure, mud therapy, herbal remedies, and other natural healing practices used in Naturopathy may be assessed.

3. General Knowledge and Aptitude:

  • English Comprehension: Reading passages and answering questions to gauge your understanding and analytical skills.
  • Logical Reasoning: Identifying patterns, solving puzzles, and analyzing information using logic.
  • Current Affairs: Some exams might include basic questions on recent events and social issues.

Top 10 Private Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Colleges in India with Fee Structure

Tabulated below is the collection of the Top 10 Private Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Colleges in India with Fee Structure, including their key features.

Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Syllabus 2024

Semester Subject Description (100 words)
1 Anatomy and Physiology Explore the human body's intricate workings, from skeletal and muscular systems to digestion and respiration. Gain foundational knowledge for understanding Yoga and Naturopathy practices.
Yoga Philosophy Delve into the ancient wisdom of Yoga, its eight limbs, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, and various schools of Yoga. Understand the philosophy's impact on holistic well-being.
Principles of Naturopathy Uncover the five core principles of Naturopathy: vis medicatrix naturae (healing power of nature), unity of mind-body-spirit, first do no harm, identify and treat the cause, and prevention is better than cure.
Introduction to Yogasanas Begin your practical journey with foundational postures (Yogasanas). Learn proper alignment, breathing techniques, and benefits of each pose.
Pranayama: Master the art of breath control (Pranayama) through various techniques like Nadi Shodhan (alternate nostril breathing) and Kapalbhati (skull-cleansing breath). Understand the profound impact of Pranayama on physical and mental health.
2 Advanced Yogasanas and Kriyas Deepen your practice with more challenging postures and cleansing techniques (Kriyas). Enhance flexibility, strength, and internal energy flow.
Meditation and Relaxation Techniques Discover the transformative power of meditation and various relaxation techniques like Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep). Cultivate inner peace, focus, and stress management skills.
Nutrition and Dietetics in Naturopathy Explore the science of food and its therapeutic potential in Naturopathy. Learn about balanced diets, therapeutic diets, and nutritional supplements.
Hydrotherapy and Other Naturopathic Modalities Understand the healing power of water through hydrotherapy techniques like fomentation and sitz baths. Explore other Naturopathic modalities like acupressure, mud therapy, and herbal remedies.
Clinical Practice and Case Studies Apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios through case studies and supervised clinical practice. Gain practical skills in patient assessment, treatment planning, and Naturopathic interventions.

Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Course Placements

College Name City Average CTC (INR per month)
Swami Vivekananda Yoga University Bengaluru INR 25,000 - 35,000
The Yoga Institute Mumbai INR 20,000 - 30,000
National Institute of Naturopathy Pune INR 18,000 - 28,000
Birla Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Kolkata INR 15,000 - 25,000
Apollo Institute of Naturopathy Chennai INR 18,000 - 28,000

Top 5 Government Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Colleges in India with Fee Structure

Tabulated below is the collection of the Top 5 Government Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Colleges in India with Fee Structure, including their key features.

Top 10 Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Colleges in India with Fee Structure

Tabulated below is the collection of the Top 10 Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Colleges in India with Fee Structure, including their key features.

Name of the institute Course Name Fees Specialization
Apex University Bachelor Business Administration [BBA] (Digital Business) INR 252,000 Digital Business
DAV College for Girls Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] INR 37,280 General
Home Science
Fashion Design
Bir Tikendrajit University Master of Business Administration [MBA] INR 240,000 Aviation Management
Business Analytics
Health Care Administration
Hotel Management
Human Resource Management
Information Technology
International Business
Medicinal Plants
Pharmaceutical Management
Retail Management
Total Quality Management
Travel & Tourism
Banking & Insurance
Project Management
Mass Communication And Journalism
Supply Chain Management
Nirwan University Master in Occupational Therapy [MOT] INR 75,000 --
Apex University Jaipur Bachelor Business Administration [BBA] (Digital Business) INR 252,000 Digital Business
Sanskriti University Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] INR 800,000 Hotel Management
Medical Laboratory Technology
Cardiovascular Technology
Naturopathy & Yoga Science
Public Health
Gujarat Ayurved University Master of Pharmacy [M.Pharm] INR 50,000 Pharmacology & Toxicology
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Pharmacognosy And Phytochemistry
Rasa Shastra & Bhaishjya Kalpna
Dravyaguna Vigyan
Baba MastNath University Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery INR 390,000 --
J.C. Bose University Of Science And Technology, YMCA Master of Business Administration [MBA] (Executive) INR 170,035 Executive
DY Patil University Doctorate of Medicine [MD] INR 6,500,000 Anatomy
Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology
Family Medicine
Forensic Medicine
General Medicine
Kaumar Bhritya
Preventive and Social Medicine
Rasa Shastra
Ayurved Samhita
T.B. And Chest
Transfusion Medicine
Tuberculosis & Respiratory Medicine
Rachana Sharir
Kriya Sharir
Swastha Vritta
Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana
Emergency Medicine
Bhaishajya Kalpana
Dravya Guna

Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy Course Jobs and Salary

Job Profile Job Description Average Salary (in INR) per annum
Naturopathy Physician Treat patients by healing them using contemporary techniques such as diet and exercise for curing illness. INR 2 to 9 lacs
Publication Officer Provide managerial and functional support for publishing articles and books related to naturopathy. INR 3 to 6 lacs
Naturopathy Consultant Provides advice and solutions for treating diseases and ailments using natural process and methodologies. INR 3 to 9 lacs
Research Officer Gather data, analyze conduct research by identifying the required parameters to reach solutions. INR 4 to 6 lacs
Assistant Research Officer Assist the research officers in gathering data, analyzing, interpreting and evaluating results. INR 4 to 6 lacs
Therapist Counselling and dealing with issues related to behavior, relationship issues, feelings, somatic responses and much more. INR 1 to 7 lacs

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