Cachar College Silchar Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members


Cachar College

Cachar College Silchar Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members

Silchar, Assam
Estd 1960
Government College

Cachar College Faculty Details

Dr. K. Lakshmiton Singha
Mr. Abdul Quadir Barbhuiya
Qualification - M.A, Ph.D
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Arabic
Ms. Roma Purkayastha
Qualification - M.A, Ph.D
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Bengali
Mr. Deepak Kumar Nair
Qualification - M.Sc
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Botany
Ms. Anita Bhattacharjee
Qualification - M.Sc
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Chemistry
Mr. Ratan Kumar Das
Qualification - M.Com
Associate Professor, Department of Commerce
Ms. Sudipa Rakshit
Qualification - M.A, Ph.D
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Economics
Mr. Sontosh Ranjan Chakraborty
Qualification - M.A
Associate Professor & Head,
Mr. Shankar Sharma
Qualification - M.A, Ph.D
Associate Professor & Head, Department of English
Mr. Uma Sankar Nath
Qualification - M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D, BE.D
Associate Professor & Head, Department of History
Mr. Anitya Benode Deb
Qualification - M.A, M.Phil, Ph. D
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Political Science

Cachar College Faculty 2024 FAQs

Information about the faculty members at Cachar College is often available on the official college website. Look for the "Faculty" or "Departments" section, or contact the college administration for details.

Cachar College typically employs experienced and qualified faculty members. You can check the individual profiles of faculty members on the college website to learn about their qualifications, teaching experience, and research contributions.

Contact details for faculty members are usually available on the college website. You can find email addresses or office phone numbers in the "Faculty" section. Alternatively, you can contact the college administration for assistance in reaching out to specific faculty members.

Cachar College may invite guest faculty or industry professionals for special lectures, workshops, or seminars. Check the college website or contact the concerned department for information on guest lectures and industry interactions.

The student-to-faculty ratio may vary across departments. For specific details on the student-to-faculty ratio in a particular department or program, you can inquire with the college administration or check the college prospectus.

Cachar College may provide opportunities for students to interact with faculty outside of regular classes. This could include office hours, mentoring programs, or participation in extracurricular activities. Check with the respective departments or faculty members for such opportunities.

Faculty members at Cachar College may be actively involved in research and publications. Explore the individual profiles of faculty members on the college website to learn about their research interests, publications, and academic contributions.

Cachar College may have faculty development programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of its teaching staff. Check the college website or contact the faculty development cell for information on such programs.

Many colleges have mechanisms for collecting feedback on faculty performance. Cachar College may have a feedback system in place. Inquire with the college administration or check for any online feedback platforms to share your input on faculty members.

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