

PSEB 12th Board Syllabus 2024: Core Subjects, Curriculum Updates

Discover PSEB 12th Board for Class 12 exams, results, and essential updates.

The PSEB (Punjab School Education Board) 12th Board Syllabus for 2024 is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and enriching educational enjoy in their senior secondary years. Covering a diverse variety of subjects, which include Mathematics, Science, Commerce, Humanities, and languages, the syllabus objectives to prepare students for higher training and numerous career pathways.

In Mathematics, students delve into advanced topics together with calculus, algebra, and information, fostering critical wondering and analytical skills. The Science curriculum consists of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Environmental Science, presenting a solid foundation in medical ideas. Commerce college students explore subjects like Accountancy, Economics, and Business Studies, even as Humanities college students engage with History, Political Science, Sociology, and more.

PSEB 12th Board Syllabus Highlights 2024

Subject Key Highlights
Mathematics Continued emphasis on core concepts like algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Introduction of new applications and problem-solving techniques. Different difficulty levels available.
Physics Focus on understanding core principles and practical applications in electromagnetism, optics and waves, modern physics, and electronics and communication. Introduction of new experiments or applications is possible. Different difficulty levels available.
Chemistry Continued emphasis on physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry with an emphasis on problem-solving. Potential introduction of new topics related to environmental chemistry, green technology, or emerging fields like nanochemistry. Different difficulty levels available.
Computer Science Focus on theoretical and practical aspects of programming, data structures, algorithms, and computer architecture. Potential introduction of emerging technologies like AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity. Different difficulty levels available.
Economics Focus on micro and macroeconomics concepts, government policies, and current economic issues. Introduction of new case studies or contemporary examples is possible. Different difficulty levels available.
Commerce Focus on accounting, business management, finance, marketing, and international trade. Introduction of new business trends or practical applications is possible. Different difficulty levels available.
Other Elective Subjects: Highlights will vary depending on chosen subject (Biology, History, Political Science, Geography, Languages, etc.). Increased emphasis on critical thinking, analytical skills, and current affairs might be present. Different difficulty levels available.

PSEB 12th Board Syllabus Eligibility Criteria 2024


  • Reduced Syllabus: Similar to different forums, a reduced syllabus in comparison to pre-pandemic years is in all likelihood.
  • Subject Variations: Specific subjects covered would possibly range relying on selected difficulty aggregate and elective topics.
  • Updated Content: Introduction of latest subjects and practical packages inside applicable subjects is possible.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Passed Previous Level: Successfully completed Class 11 from a diagnosed college affiliated to the Punjab School Education Board (PSEB).
  • Minimum Attendance: Must have attended a minimum of 75% of the instructions conducted in Class 11.
  • Enrolled: Must be enrolled in a PSEB-affiliated college at the time of performing for the exam.
  • Age Limit: No minimal age requirement exists.
  • Nationality: Indian nationality is generally desired, however exceptions might exist for sure categories.

Additional Points:

  • Term-clever Exams: There were proposals for engaging in PSEB Board assessments in one term (March 2024) as opposed to two terms as accomplished in 2023. Confirmation awaited.
  • Official Information: Keep checking the reputable PSEB website (pseb.ac.in) for the present day updates and specified syllabus/standards once it's launched.

Subject-wise PSEB 12th Board Syllabus 2024


  • Grammar: Parts of speech, sentence shape, punctuation, usage.
  • Vocabulary: Word roots and affixes, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, figurative language.
  • Reading comprehension: Main idea, helping info, inference, literary evaluation.
  • Writing: Types of writing, business enterprise, style, mechanics.


  • Algebra: Linear equations and inequalities, capabilities and graphs, systems of equations, matrices and determinants, chance and information.
  • Geometry: Analytic geometry, coordinate geometry, strong geometry, trigonometry.
  • Calculus: Limits, derivatives, integrals, packages of calculus.


  • Mechanics: Kinematics, dynamics, paintings, energy and electricity, rotational movement, oscillations.
  • Heat and thermodynamics: Heat and temperature, thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, thermochemistry.
  • Electricity and magnetism: Electrostatics, modern strength, magnetism, electromagnetic waves.
  • Optics: Geometric optics, physical optics, wave optics.


  • Basic concepts: Matter and its houses, chemical bonding, atomic structure, the periodic desk.
  • States of depend: Solids, liquids, gases.
  • Reactions: Chemical reactions, stoichiometry, equilibrium.
  • Organic chemistry: Hydrocarbons, useful companies, organic compounds.
  • Biochemistry: Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids.


  • Cell biology: Cell structure and characteristic, cell division.
  • Genetics: DNA and RNA, gene expression, evolution.
  • Developmental biology: Embryology, boom and differentiation.
  • Physiology: Homeostasis, organ systems.
  • Ecology: Ecosystems, populations, biomes.


  • Ancient records: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome.
  • Medieval history: Europe, Asia, Africa.
  • Early cutting-edge records: Europe, Asia, Africa.
  • Modern records: Europe, Asia, Africa.

Political technological know-how:

  • Political principle: Power, authority, legitimacy.
  • Government: The state, the branches of government, public policy.
  • International relations: The worldwide system, overseas policy, worldwide law.


  • Microeconomics: Supply and call for, market systems, welfare economics.
  • Macroeconomics: National income, unemployment, inflation.
  • International economics: Trade, finance, improvement.

Optional topics:

  • Computer technological know-how: Programming, information systems, algorithms, computer structure.
  • Commerce: Business regulation, accounting, finance, advertising and marketing.
  • Fine arts: Drawing, portray, sculpture, music.
  • Physical training: Sports, workout, nutrients.

How To Download PSEB 12th Board Syllabus 2024?

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the reliable internet site of the Punjab School Education Board. Ensure which you are on the ideal and authentic website for accurate facts.

  2. Navigate to Academic Section: Look for a section on the website associated with lecturers, examinations, or syllabus. This phase may be prominently displayed at the homepage or accessible via a menu.

  3. Select Class 12 or Senior Secondary: Choose the class or stage for which you need to download the syllabus. In this situation, choose Class 12 or Senior Secondary.

  4. Locate the Syllabus Section: Within the Class 12 or Senior Secondary section, locate the link or tab that leads to the syllabus. It may be classified as "Syllabus," "Curriculum," or something similar.

  5. Choose Academic Year 2024: Look for options associated with the educational year 2024. There may be a specific hyperlink or document associated with the syllabus for the year 2024.

  6. Download the Syllabus PDF: Click at the link or report related to the PSEB 12th Board Syllabus 2024. The syllabus is typically provided in PDF format. Download the PDF document on your device.

  7. Save the PDF: After downloading, save the PDF for your laptop, telephone, or different gadgets for future reference and smooth get admission to.

  8. Check for Updates: Keep in thoughts that syllabus facts may be subject to updates or modifications. Regularly check the professional internet site for any bulletins or updates regarding the syllabus.

PSEB 12th Board Preparation Tips 2024

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Thoroughly understand the PSEB 12th Board Syllabus for 2024. Know the subjects, topics, and marking scheme for each section.

  2. Create a Realistic Study Schedule: Develop a comprehensive study schedule that covers all subjects. Allocate time based on the difficulty level of each subject, and include breaks for optimal focus.

  3. Prioritize Weaker Subjects: Identify your weaker subjects and allocate more study time to them. Strengthening your understanding in challenging areas can significantly improve your overall performance.

  4. Regular Revision: Implement a regular revision schedule. Periodically revisit what you've learned to reinforce your understanding and improve retention.

  5. Practice Regularly: Solve sample papers, previous years' question papers, and take mock tests. Regular practice improves your time management skills and boosts confidence.

  6. Seek Guidance: If you have doubts or find certain topics challenging, don't hesitate to seek guidance from teachers, classmates, or online resources.

  7. Use Reference Materials: Besides textbooks, refer to recommended reference books for in-depth understanding and additional practice.

  8. Create Comprehensive Notes: Make concise and organized notes for each subject. These notes will be valuable during last-minute revisions.

  9. Time Management: Practice time management during your study sessions and exams. Set specific time limits for each topic to improve efficiency.

  10. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a healthy lifestyle with sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, and regular exercise. A healthy body supports a healthy mind.

  11. Stay Updated: Keep yourself informed about any changes in the exam pattern or syllabus. Check the official website and news sources for updates.

  12. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive mindset. Believe in your capabilities, stay focused, and manage stress effectively. A positive attitude contributes to better performance.

  13. Group Study: Collaborate with classmates for group study sessions. Explaining concepts to others and engaging in discussions can deepen your understanding.

  14. Utilize Technology Wisely: Leverage educational apps, online resources, and digital study materials for interactive learning and additional practice.

  15. Mock Tests and Simulations: Take full-length mock tests to simulate exam conditions. This helps in familiarizing yourself with the actual exam environment and improves time management.


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