

PSEB 12th Board Admit Card 2024: Exam Pattern, Important Instructions

Discover PSEB 12th Board for Class 12 exams, results, and essential updates.

Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) 12th Board Admit Card for the yr 2024 is an critical document for college students acting within the senior secondary examinations carried out by PSEB. The admit card serves because the professional permission for the scholars to attend the examination and carries essential information just like the student’s name, roll number, examination time table, exam center information and critical commands.

To get the PSEB 12th Board Admit Card for 2024, college students generally need to touch their respective schools or educational establishments. Schools normally distribute admission playing cards to students after receiving them from the board. It is critical for students to verify all details cited inside the admission shape for accuracy and document any discrepancies to the authorities straight away.

PSEB 12th Board Admit Card Highlights 2024

Feature Details
Release Date February 2024 
Availability Online download only
Distribution Students download through schools
Content Name, photo, roll number, registration number, exam center details, exam schedule, subject codes
Important Required for all exams, bring a copy with valid ID
Objections Limited corrections possible, exact details to be announced

PSEB 12th Board Exam Date 2024

Date Day Subject(s)
February 13, 2024 Tuesday Optional Subjects (Skill Subjects, Sanskrit, Physical Education)
February 15, 2024 Thursday English
February 17, 2024 Saturday Hindi (First Language)
February 19, 2024 Monday Mathematics
February 20, 2024 Tuesday Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
February 21, 2024 Wednesday Social Science (History, Political Science, Economics, Geography)
February 22, 2024 Thursday Optional Subjects (Languages other than Hindi and English)
February 23, 2024 Friday Computer Science
February 24, 2024 Saturday Home Science, Drawing, Music
February 27, 2024 Tuesday Optional Subjects
March 2, 2024 Saturday Business Studies, Economics, Accountancy, Computer Science (repeaters)
March 3, 2024 Sunday Agriculture, Bio-Technology, Fashion Designing, Home Economics (repeaters)
March 6, 2024 Wednesday Physical Education (repeaters)
March 8, 2024 Friday Optional Subjects (repeaters)

Steps to Download PSEB 12th Board Admit Card 2024

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the legitimate website of the Punjab School Education Board (PSEB). The website URL is usually some thing like www.pseb.ac.in.

  2. Navigate to the Admit Card Section: Look for the "Admit Card" or "Downloads" phase at the internet site's homepage. This segment generally incorporates hyperlinks to diverse downloadable files, such as admit playing cards.

  3. Select the Class and Examination Year: Once you're within the Admit Card section, pick "12th Board Exam" or its equal alternative. Then, pick out the exam yr, which in this example is 2024.

  4. Enter Required Details: You may want to enter positive information such as your registration wide variety, roll wide variety, date of delivery, or other information as required via the website to retrieve your admit card. Make sure to input correct facts.

  5. Generate Admit Card: After entering the vital info, click at the "Submit" or "Generate Admit Card" button.

  6. Verify Details: Once the admit card is generated, cautiously verify all of the info printed on it, along with your name, roll number, examination middle info, and exam dates.

  7. Download and Print: If all the information are accurate, continue to down load the admit card. Save it to your tool and take a printout. It's really useful to take multiple printouts for backup.

  8. Keep Admit Card Safe: Store the broadcast admit card in a stable area. Make sure to hold it to the exam center on the day of the examination.

Read More: Date Sheet

Details Mentioned on PSEB 12th Board Admit Card 2024

  1. Student's Name: The full name of the scholar performing for the examination.

  2. Roll Number: A particular identification range assigned to the scholar for the exam purposes.

  3. Registration Number: The registration range assigned to the pupil by the Punjab School Education Board.

  4. Date of Birth: The student's date of start as in keeping with the records.

  5. Photograph: A recent passport-length photograph of the student, usually affixed or printed on the admit card.

  6. Exam Center Details: The name and cope with of the exam middle wherein the scholar is assigned to appear for the assessments.

  7. Exam Schedule: The date, day, and time of every exam paper at the side of the subject names.

  8. Instructions: Important commands regarding exam suggestions, reporting time, items allowed inside the examination hall, and other relevant statistics.

  9. Signature: Space for the signature of the student and occasionally the signature of the school authority.

  10. Stamp or Seal: The stamp or seal of the Punjab School Education Board or the pupil's school, validating the authenticity of the admit card.

PSEB 12th Board Exam 2024 Important Instructions

  1. Admit Card: Carry the admit card to the exam center on all examination days. Entry to the examination hall will not be approved with out a legitimate admit card.

  2. Reporting Time: Reach the examination center well earlier than the reporting time referred to on the admit card to avoid any final-minute rush.

  3. Exam Schedule: Follow the exam agenda provided on the admit card strictly. Be aware about the date, day, and time of each exam paper.

  4. COVID-19 Guidelines: Adhere to all COVID-19 suggestions issued by using the authorities, which includes wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, and sanitizing arms regularly.

  5. Required Materials: Bring all essential stationery objects consisting of pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, and many others. Calculators or any other authorized aids must additionally be delivered if required for unique subjects.

  6. Prohibited Items: Do now not deliver any prohibited gadgets consisting of cellular telephones, smartwatches, digital devices, or any unauthorized substances into the exam hall.

  7. Answer Sheet: Fill out the info on the solution sheet appropriately, consisting of the roll range, problem code, and other required statistics.

  8. Follow Instructions: Listen cautiously to the commands furnished by the invigilators earlier than the commencement of the examination and observe them all through the duration of the exam.

  9. Maintain Silence: Maintain silence in the examination hall to keep away from worrying different applicants.

  10. Answering Procedure: Read the instructions on the question paper carefully. Write your answers smartly and legibly. Allocate time accurately for each segment or query.

  11. Check Answers: Review your solutions earlier than submitting the solution sheets. Ensure that each one questions are tried and marked efficaciously.

  12. Emergency Protocol: In case of any emergency or discrepancy, inform the invigilator without delay for help.

  13. Signature: Sign the attendance sheet and some other required files as informed.

  14. Exit Protocol: Leave the exam corridor best after the finishing touch of the exam and upon the invigilator's commands.

  15. Stay Calm: Remain calm and targeted all through the examination period. Avoid any sort of malpractice or misconduct.

PSEB 12th Board Exam Pattern 2024

Feature Details
Exam Mode Offline (Pen-paper based)
Number of Subjects Varies depending on chosen stream (Science, Arts, Commerce)
Marks per Subject 80 (Theory) + 20 (Internal Assessment) for most subjects, variations for Science subjects
Total Marks Varies depending on stream and chosen subjects
Question Types Objective (MCQs, fill-in-the-blanks), Short Answer, Long Answer
Duration 3 hours 15 minutes for most theory papers, variations for some subjects

Documents Required For PSEB 12th Board Exam 2024

  1. Admit Card: The PSEB 12th Board Admit Card for 2024 is the maximum vital report. It serves as legit permission for college students to take a seat for his or her checks and carries vital facts consisting of the student's name, roll quantity, examination center info, and exam schedule.

  2. Valid ID Proof: Along with the admit card, college students can also be required to hold a legitimate ID proof inclusive of Aadhar Card, Passport, Voter ID, Driving License, or another government-issued photograph ID. This is for identification verification functions and to make certain the integrity of the examination method.

  3. Stationery: Students must convey all vital stationery gadgets which includes pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, etc. Calculators or another accepted aids have to additionally be introduced if required for particular subjects. It's recommended to hold more stationery in case of emergencies.

  4. COVID-19 Essentials: Due to the continued pandemic, college students must also convey vital COVID-19 defensive gear inclusive of mask, hand sanitizers, and tissues. Adherence to COVID-19 hints issued by using the government is important to make certain the protection of all applicants.

  5. Special Permissions or Documents (if relevant): If a student has been granted any special permissions or accommodations with the aid of the board, they must convey the applicable documents or certificates as evidence. This ought to consist of documents for college students with disabilities or unique needs.

PSEB 12th Board Exam 2024: Guidelines for Students

  1. Admit Card: Ensure you've got your PSEB 12th Board Exam 2024 Admit Card. It's a mandatory record for access into the exam center.

  2. COVID-19 Precautions: Follow all COVID-19 pointers issued with the aid of the government, which includes wearing masks, preserving social distancing, and sanitizing palms regularly. Avoid crowding and observe instructions for access and go out at the exam center.

  3. Reporting Time: Reach the exam middle properly earlier than the reporting time referred to on the admit card to finish important strategies with out rush.

  4. Identification: Carry a legitimate picture ID proof at the side of the admit card for identity verification purposes.

  5. Stationery and Materials: Bring all necessary stationery items which include pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, and so forth. Calculators or every other authorized aids need to also be brought if required for particular subjects.

  6. Prohibited Items: Do no longer convey any prohibited objects inclusive of mobile phones, smartwatches, digital devices, or any unauthorized substances into the exam hall.

  7. Exam Schedule: Familiarize yourself with the exam agenda provided on the admit card. Be privy to the date, day, and time of every exam paper.

  8. Answering Procedure: Read the instructions on the question paper cautiously. Write your solutions smartly and legibly. Allocate time accurately for every phase or question.

  9. Behavior and Conduct: Maintain silence within the examination hall to keep away from stressful different candidates. Follow all instructions given by the invigilators.

  10. Emergency Protocol: In case of any emergency or in case you require assistance, inform the invigilator right away.

  11. Review Answers: Review your answers earlier than submitting the solution sheets. Ensure that each one questions are attempted and marked effectively.

  12. Stay Calm: Remain calm and centered all through the examination duration. Avoid any form of malpractice or misconduct.

  13. Exit Protocol: Leave the exam hall handiest after the of entirety of the examination and upon the invigilator's instructions.

  14. Follow Board's Instructions: Adhere to any additional commands or guidelines issued by way of the Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) regarding the exam.

  15. Maintain Integrity: Ensure honesty and integrity throughout the exam. Any shape of dishonest, plagiarism, or misconduct can bring about intense consequences.


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