

JEECUP Seat Allotment 2024: Result, Seat Allotment Check at @jeecup.admissions.nic.in.

UP JEE Polytechnic

The Joint Entrance Examination Council UP or JEECUP is a state-level entrance examination conducted by the UP JEECUP for granting admissions in diploma, diploma after diploma, and postgraduate diploma courses in engineering, technology, and management programs offered by the institutions that are affiliated to the Council. The exam is held once every year, typically in the second week of June.

The top scorers in the JEECUP exam, who get through the MCQs of physics, chemistry, mathematics and aptitude, are admitted in the technical, management and medical institutions right after Class 12. The qualifying criteria is 40% aggregate score with no minimum marks in any subject. The test is held on-paper in a pen and paper mode across various exam centers - including the major cities of Uttar Pradesh. The final selection of candidates is done through the merit list prepared based on the total scores and choices filed.

Processing of JEECUP 2024 results will be initiated on or after June and be made available on the official website. The result will include subject-wise and overall score secured by the candidate along with their merit ranking. As for the year 2024 there are no dates specified yet, the JEECUP 2024 test is most likely to be conducted in June (2024). Nevertheless, the dates are still unknown, the time table is based on the previous trends. The application form will tentatively release 3 to 4 months prior in February or March 2024.

JEECUP Seat Allotment Highlight 2024

Feature Details
Seat allotment mode Online
Seat allotment criteria Rank and availability of seats
Number of rounds of seat allotment 3
Tie-breaking criteria Higher marks in Mathematics in 10+2
Document verification Mandatory
Fee payment Mandatory after seat allotment

JEECUP Seat Allotment Fee 2024

Category Seat Allotment Fee
General INR 10,000
SC/ST/PwD INR 5,000

Important Dates for JEECUP Seat Allotment 2024

Event Date
Round 1 Seat Allotment July 2024
Round 2 Seat Allotment July 2024
Round 3 Seat Allotment July 2024
Document Verification and Fee Payment August 2024

What to do After JEECUP Seat Allotment 2024?

1. Check the seat allotment result online: You can check on the official JEECUP website whether you have been allotted a seat and if it is an institute/course you like after the result is announced.

2. Online freeze/float or surrender option: Based on whether you want to accept the allotted seat or try in subsequent rounds for a better choice, you can exercise freeze/float or surrender options online. Be sure to read the instructions closely and only choose the answer option that is right.

3. Payment of fees: If you have freezed your allotted seat, you need to pay the admission/tuition fees either online or offline within the stipulated schedule. It is after fee payment that you will be given a confirmation that your admission has been secured. 

4. Document verification: On allotment of seats, candidates have to get certain documents verified at allocated institutes within scheduled dates. This part is certificate 10/12 certificates, category/clarification and any other certificate required. Carry originals and photocopies.

5. Reporting at the allotted institute: Finally candidates have to physically go and report at their respective allotted institutes by completing all admission formalities within dates given failing which, the seat allotment can get cancelled. 


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