

Diploma 3D Animation & Graphics 2024: Eligibility, Salary, Syllabus

3 Years
Full Time

Diploma in 3D Animation and Graphics is a diploma level course that duration for three years during which the students are trained in 3D animation, visual effects, graphic design and other areas of computer graphics. The diploma program offers strong theoretical background of the subject as well as lots of practice to allow the students develop skills such as 3D modeling, texturing, lighting, rigging, animation, VFX, compositing, and usage of animation and design tools used in the industry. The general entry requirement for the diploma courses include 10+2 in any field, whether it be science, art or commerce or any other equivalent qualification. 

The common tests considered in the students’ admission to the 3D Animation diploma programs include qualifying tests set by institutions. Certain colleges also have certain percentage norms based on class 10th and 12th as criteria for admission. There are very few institutes which hold their own entrance exams which in most of the cases consist of an aptitude test, a drawing test to test how creatively one is, and an interview to test the interests and aptitude of the candidate towards the animation field. 

Diploma 3D Animation & Graphics Course Highlights 2024

Column Name Description
Full Form Diploma in 3D Animation & Graphics
Duration 1 - 2 Years Full-Time - 
Course Level Diploma
Eligibility 10+2 or equivalent qualification 
Top Colleges (India) - National Institute of Design (NID) (depending on program) - Arena Animation (various centers) - Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics (MAAC) (various centers) - Reliance Animation School


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