Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy Hyderabad Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members


Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy

Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy Hyderabad Faculty 2024: List of Professors and Faculty Members

Hyderabad, Telangana
Estd 2015
Private College

Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy Faculty Details

Dr.Srujana D.
Asha Pande
Assistant Professor
Syed Altaf Hussain
Assistant Professor
Nazia Khan
Assistant Professor
Kirthi Datar
Assistant Professor

Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy Faculty 2024 FAQs

Faculty members at Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy typically hold advanced degrees in relevant fields such as law, legal studies, political science, or related disciplines. Many faculty members have extensive professional experience in legal practice, academia, research, or public service. Detailed information about individual faculty members' qualifications and experience may be available on the academy's official website or through faculty profiles provided by the institution.

Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy emphasizes close interaction between faculty and students, fostering a supportive learning environment. Faculty members are generally accessible for student consultations during office hours, via email, or by appointment. Additionally, faculty may provide academic support through advising, mentoring, and facilitating discussions both inside and outside the classroom.

Faculty members at Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy employ a variety of teaching methodologies and approaches to engage students and facilitate effective learning. These may include lectures, seminars, case studies, group discussions, experiential learning activities, moot court simulations, and practical exercises. Faculty members often integrate real-world examples and contemporary issues into their teaching to enhance relevance and applicability.

Many faculty members at Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy are actively engaged in scholarly research, professional practice, and community service activities in addition to their teaching responsibilities. Faculty may publish academic articles, books, and policy papers, participate in conferences and workshops, serve as expert consultants, or contribute to advocacy efforts in their respective fields. Students may have opportunities to collaborate with faculty on research projects or engage in internships and externships facilitated by faculty connections.

Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy encourages student-faculty collaboration on research projects, independent studies, honors theses, and other academic initiatives. Students may have the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors to develop research proposals, conduct literature reviews, collect and analyze data, and present findings at conferences or publish in scholarly journals. Faculty members often serve as mentors and guides for students seeking to pursue advanced studies or careers in the legal profession.

Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy is committed to fostering diversity and inclusivity among its faculty body, reflecting a wide range of expertise, backgrounds, and perspectives. Faculty members may have diverse academic and professional backgrounds, including experience in private practice, government service, nonprofit organizations, and international institutions. The academy values the richness of diverse perspectives and experiences among its faculty, which enriches the learning environment and enhances the educational experience for students.

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