

TS SSC Board Syllabus 2024: Explore Telangana Class 10

Unlock academic achievements with TS SSC Board.

The TS SSC Board Syllabus 2024 for Class 10 in Telangana is a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide students with a strong academic basis. Covering quite a number topics such as arithmetic, science, social studies, and languages, the syllabus pursuits to foster holistic improvement and put together students for future challenges.

The syllabus outlines unique chapters, topics, and learning targets, ensuring students acquire a properly-rounded training. It is crafted to align with instructional requirements, selling each theoretical expertise and sensible application. Regular updates are incorporated to stay modern with educational improvements.

TS SSC Board Syllabus Highlights 2024

Subject Key Highlights
Telugu: Focus on communication skills, grammar, and literature appreciation. Introduction to different genres of writing and literary devices. Increased emphasis on spoken Telugu.
English: Emphasis on reading comprehension, grammar, and writing skills. Introduction to different genres of literature and critical thinking. Focus on communication through writing and speaking.
Mathematics: Revised syllabus with more emphasis on application-oriented problems and reasoning skills. Inclusion of new topics like statistics and probability.
Science (Combined): Integrated approach to Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Focus on scientific methods, experimentation, and problem-solving. Updated content with emphasis on environmental issues and technology.
Social Science: Revised syllabus with a focus on contemporary India, globalization, and critical thinking skills. Reduced emphasis on memorization and increased focus on understanding concepts. Separate sections for History, Geography, and Civics.
Information Technology: Revised syllabus with updated content on coding, digital literacy, and cyber safety. Introduction to new technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics.
Second Language (Optional): Choice of Hindi, Urdu, Kannada, Sanskrit, etc. Focus on communication skills, grammar, and basic understanding of the language.

TS SSC Board Syllabus Eligibility Criteria 2024

1. Academic Eligibility:

  • Must have passed Class 9 from a recognized college in Telangana or its equal.
  • Must have secured a minimum of 35% marks in combination in Class 9 examinations.

2. Age Requirement:

  • There is no upper age restriction for acting inside the TS SSC Board assessments.

3. Registration:

  • Students have to check in themselves for the TS SSC Board tests thru their respective schools.
  • The registration process usually starts offevolved in October-November of the preceding yr.

4. Subject Combination:

  • Students have to select a combination of subjects from the following companies:
    • Group A: Telugu, English, Mathematics
    • Group B: Science (Combined) or Social Studies
    • Group C: Optional Second Language (Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, and so forth.)
    • Group D: Information Technology (Optional)

Image of TS SSC Board Subject Combination Chart

5. Private Candidates:

  • Private applicants who've no longer studied in a recognized faculty also can seem for the TS SSC Board tests.
  • They need to meet the eligibility criteria and sign up themselves with the TSBIE as personal applicants.

Additional Information:

  • The TS SSC Board exams are typically held in March-April of every year.
  • The specific syllabus and exam sample may be observed on the reputable internet site of the Telangana State Board of Secondary Education (TSBSE): https://tsbie.cgg.gov.in/
  • It is vital to stay updated on any adjustments or bulletins regarding the eligibility criteria and exam technique by way of traveling the TSBIE internet site or contacting your college government.

Subject-wise TS SSC Board Syllabus 2024

1. English (Core):

  • Section A: Reading: Unseen Passage Analysis, Long Reading Comprehension with inferential questions, Case Study assessment
  • Section B: Writing: Short Writing Tasks like notices, emails, and so forth., Composition focusing on argumentative, descriptive, and narrative patterns, Note-making and PrĂ©cis Writing for summarizing information
  • Section C: Literature: Poetry (critical appreciation of poems from different literary periods and genres), Prose (expertise and analyzing numerous prose bureaucracy like essays, short tales, and so on.), Drama (thorough examine of a Shakespearean play and a cutting-edge play)

2. English (Elective):

  • Section A: Reading: Unseen Poetry Analysis, Unseen Prose Analysis, Long Reading Comprehension with in-depth expertise
  • Section B: Writing: Essay Writing on diverse subjects, Creative Writing including testimonies, poems, and many others., Dialogue Writing for developing enticing conversations, Report Writing for presenting facts in a established layout
  • Section C: Literature: Poetry (exploring different poetic patterns and topics), Drama (analyzing plays past Shakespearean and current eras), Novel (analyzing an English or Indian novel in detail)

3. Mathematics:

  • Part I: Algebra: Sets, Relations and Functions (such as domain, variety, inverse family members), Trigonometric Functions (identities, graphs, applications), Mathematical Induction (proving statements), Linear Programming (optimization issues), Coordinate Geometry (lines, circles, parabolas)
  • Part II: Calculus: Differentiation (finding slopes, costs of trade), Integration (locating areas, volumes), Applications of Derivatives and Integrals (fixing optimization issues, maxima and minima)
  • Part III: Vectors and 3D Geometry: Vectors (operations, scalar and vector merchandise), Lines and Planes in Space (equations, intersections), Conic Sections (parabolas, ellipses, hyperbolas)
  • Part IV: Statistics and Probability: Probability Distributions (binomial, Poisson, ordinary), Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion (suggest, median, mode, wellknown deviation), Sampling (random sampling techniques), Random Experiments (outcomes, probabilities)

4. Physics:

  • Unit I: Electrostatics: Electric Charges (residences, interactions), Electric Field (concept, calculations), Potential (electric capability, equipotential surfaces), Capacitance (capacitors, kinds, combinations), Dielectrics (conduct in an electric area)
  • Unit II: Current Electricity: Kirchhoff's Laws (contemporary and voltage legal guidelines in circuits), Magnetic Field due to Current (Ampere's law, solenoid), Electromagnetic Induction (Faraday's law, Lenz's law), Alternating Current (AC circuits, power)
  • Unit III: Optics: Ray Optics (reflection, refraction, lenses, mirrors), Wave Optics (interference, diffraction, polarization), Lenses and Mirrors (ray diagrams, packages), Optical Instruments (microscopes, telescopes)
  • Unit IV: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter: Photoelectric Effect (rationalization, Einstein's equation), Compton Effect (exchange in photon wavelength), Wave-Particle Duality (de Broglie wavelength, double-slit test), Atomic Structure (Bohr model, quantum numbers)
  • Unit V: Modern Physics: Nuclei (structure, binding electricity), Radioactivity (alpha, beta, gamma decay, half of-existence), Nuclear Fission and Fusion (energy release, chain reactions)

5. Chemistry:

  • Unit I: Solid State: States of Matter (houses, transitions), Crystal Structure (kinds, packing), Bonding (ionic, covalent, metallic), Band Theory of Metals (conductivity in metals)
  • Unit II: Solutions: Concentration (units, kinds), Colligative Properties (freezing factor despair, boiling point elevation, osmotic strain), Chemical Equilibrium (Le Chatelier's precept), Acid-Base Equilibrium (pH, buffers)
  • Unit III: Electrochemistry: Redox Reactions (oxidation states, redox equations), Galvanic Cells (voltaic cells, widespread cell capability), Electrolysis (electrolytic cells, Faraday's laws), Corrosion (elements, prevention strategies)
  • Unit IV: Chemical Kinetics: Rate of Reaction (elements affecting fee, order of reaction), Rate Laws (included charge expressions), Chemical Equilibrium (factors affecting equilibrium, Le Chatelier's precept)
  • Unit V: Surface Chemistry: Adsorption (kinds, isotherms), Catalysis (homogeneous, heterogeneous), Colloids (residences, balance)

6. Biology:

  • Unit I: Diversity in Living World: Classification of Living Organisms (five-country gadget, binomial nomenclature), Evolutionary Relationships (classification primarily based on phylogeny)
  • Unit II: Plant Kingdom: Morphology (plant organs and their functions), Anatomy (internal shape of vegetation), Physiology (plant approaches like photosynthesis, respiration), Reproduction in Flowering Plants (pollination, fertilization)

How To Download TS SSC Board Syllabus 2024?

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of the Telangana State Board of Secondary Education (TSBSE). You can find this by searching "TS SSC Board official website" on a search engine.

  2. Navigate to the Academic Section: Look for a section on the website related to academics or examinations. This may be labeled as "Syllabus" or "Curriculum."

  3. Choose Class 10/SSC: Once you are in the academic section, locate the section specifically for Class 10 or SSC. Click on this section to access the syllabus.

  4. Select Your Subjects: If there are multiple subjects, choose the ones that correspond to your course. There might be separate links or PDFs for different subjects.

  5. Download the Syllabus PDF: Look for the download option next to the chosen class and subjects. The syllabus is often available in PDF format. Click on the download link to save the file to your device.

  6. Verify Information: Before downloading, make sure that you have selected the correct academic year (2024) and the subjects relevant to your course.

  7. Save and Access: Once downloaded, save the PDF file in a location on your device where you can easily access it. Organize your files for easy reference.

  8. Check for Updates: Periodically check the official website for any updates or changes to the syllabus. It's essential to have the most current information throughout the academic year.

TS SSC Board Preparation Tips 2024

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the TS SSC Board Syllabus 2024. Know the subjects, chapters, and weightage assigned to each topic. This understanding will guide your study plan.

  2. Create a Realistic Study Schedule: Develop a well-organized study timetable. Allocate specific time slots for each subject, ensuring a balanced distribution of study hours. Be consistent in following your schedule.

  3. Prioritize Key Topics: Identify important topics based on the weightage and your understanding. Prioritize these topics in your study plan to ensure comprehensive coverage during your preparation.

  4. Use Quality Study Material: Refer to TS SSC Board-recommended textbooks, study guides, and reference materials. Ensure your study material aligns with the syllabus for a thorough understanding.

  5. Regular Practice with Previous Papers: Practice with previous years' question papers and sample papers to understand the exam pattern. This will help you manage time effectively during the actual exam.

  6. Seek Guidance from Teachers: If you have doubts or need clarification, approach your teachers. Seek guidance on challenging topics and discuss your study plan to ensure you are on the right track.

  7. Create Revision Notes: Summarize key points and formulas into concise revision notes. These notes will be beneficial during the final stages of preparation and help reinforce your understanding.

  8. Utilize Technology Wisely: Leverage educational apps, online resources, and multimedia tools to enhance your learning experience. Interactive materials can make studying more engaging and help you grasp complex concepts.

  9. Join Study Groups: Collaborate with classmates or join study groups to discuss and clarify doubts. Explaining concepts to others and participating in group discussions can deepen your understanding.

  10. Take Breaks and Maintain Health: Incorporate short breaks during study sessions to avoid burnout. Ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and staying physically active.

  11. Mock Tests and Simulations: Take mock tests under exam conditions to simulate the actual exam environment. This will help you assess your preparation level, identify weak areas, and build confidence.

  12. Stay Positive and Manage Stress: Maintain a positive mindset and avoid excessive stress. Break down your study goals into manageable tasks, celebrate small achievements, and practice relaxation techniques to stay calm during the exam period.


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