

Odisha 12th Board Time Table 2024: Check Exam Schedule, Dates

Explore BSE Odisha 12th Board for exams, results, and essential updates.

The Odisha Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) conducts the Class 12 examinations, and the timetable for 2024 commonly covers numerous streams like Arts, Science, and Commerce. The timetable launch marks a critical phase for students, colleges, and parents, outlining the time table for the examinations.

The date sheet includes topics together with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Mathematics, Accountancy, Economics, Political Science, and languages as in keeping with the selected move. It spans some weeks, providing college students enough time for guidance and revision between assessments.

Odisha 12th Board Time Table Highlights 2024

Feature Details
Exams for: Class 12 Board Exams
Exam Mode: Offline (Pen and Paper)
Theory Exam Period: February 16th to March 20th, 2024
Number of Theory Exams: 10-12 per stream
Break Between Exams: Minimum of 2 days between major subjects
Official Website: chseodisha.nic.in

How to Apply for Odisha 12th Board 2024?

  1. School Enrollment: Ensure you are enrolled in a college diagnosed with the aid of the Odisha Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) for Class 12 studies.

  2. Fill Examination Forms: The college government commonly offer the examination forms for Class 12 college students. Fill out these bureaucracy appropriately with the required data.

  3. Submit Forms and Fees: Complete the examination forms as consistent with the suggestions supplied by using the CHSE and post them together with the required exam fees inside the distinct closing date. Ensure that all important documents are connected as in line with the instructions.

  4. Admit Card Collection: After the submission of exam paperwork and prices, the college will offer the admit playing cards. Verify all of the details on the admit card for accuracy.

  5. Adhere to Guidelines: Follow all the tips and commands furnished by the CHSE concerning the exam system, including policies, regulations, and code of behavior.

  6. Prepare for Exams: Once registered for the assessments, focus to your studies and examination instruction. Utilize textbooks, observe materials, and sources advocated by means of teachers to prepare efficaciously.

  7. Attend Exams: On the scheduled dates, appear for the examinations on the detailed examination facilities.

Odisha 12th Board Important Dates 2024

Date/Event Description
December 2023 (tentative) Official release of Odisha 12th Board Time Table
January 2024 (completed) Practical Exams (Specific dates varied by school)
February 16th to March 20th, 2024 Theory Exams
February 16th, 2024 Theory Exams begin (Specific subjects confirmed in official timetable)
March 8th, 2024 (tentative) Science stream - Physics
March 10th, 2024 (tentative) Science stream - Chemistry
March 14th, 2024 (tentative) Science stream - Mathematics
March 15th, 2024 (tentative) Arts/Commerce stream - English
March 20th, 2024 Expected completion of Theory Exams
May 2024 (estimated) Result Declaration

What are the Eligibility Criteria for in Odisha 12th Board 2024?

  1. Class Enrollment: Students must be enrolled in recognized schools affiliated with the Odisha Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) for Class 12 research.

  2. Minimum Attendance: Schools may have attendance necessities. Students need to meet the minimum attendance standards to be eligible to sit down for the board checks.

  3. Submission of Examination Forms: Complete and publish exam bureaucracy furnished by means of the faculty within the certain cut-off date. These paperwork typically require verification by using the college government.

  4. Academic Performance: Maintain pleasant academic overall performance for the duration of the academic yr. Failure to meet minimal instructional standards may affect eligibility for the board exams.

  5. Age Criteria: While age may not directly affect eligibility, college students are normally inside a specific age range corresponding to the grade they're acting for, as in line with the recommendations set with the aid of the CHSE.

  6. Required Documents: Provide important documents as requested all through the utility technique, which includes identity proof, pics, and some other files certain by using the CHSE.

Documents Required For Registration in Odisha 12th Board 2024

  1. Application Form: Complete and duly filled utility shape supplied by the college or the Odisha Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE).

  2. Photographs: Passport-sized current pix as in line with the specifications furnished by way of the CHSE.

  3. Identification Proof: A legitimate identity report such as Aadhar Card, Voter ID, or Passport.

  4. Previous Academic Records: Copies of marksheets or certificate from Class 10 or equal examinations, required for registration purposes.

  5. Examination Fee Payment Receipt: Receipt or proof of price for the exam prices as consistent with the hints furnished through the CHSE.

  6. Category/Caste Certificate (if relevant): Students belonging to reserved categories might need to offer applicable certificates.

  7. Other Supporting Documents: Any extra files precise by the CHSE in the registration hints for the 12th Board checks.

Odisha 12th Board Preparation Tips 2024

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Begin by using very well understanding the CHSE-prescribed syllabus for each challenge. This will help you organize your observe plan efficiently.

  2. Create a Study Schedule: Develop a realistic have a look at timetable that covers all topics. Allocate particular time slots for every topic, making sure comprehensive insurance.

  3. Prioritize Subjects: Identify your strengths and weaknesses among subjects. Focus extra on tough subjects even as keeping momentum in regions you are comfortable with.

  4. Reference Quality Study Materials: Utilize textbooks, reference books, and on line sources recommended by instructors or the CHSE syllabus to study effectively.

  5. Regular Revision: Consistent revision is prime. Schedule normal revisions of formerly covered subjects to retain records successfully.

  6. Practice Previous Years' Papers: Solve past years' question papers and pattern papers to apprehend the exam sample, marking scheme, and query versions. This exercise facilitates in time control and boosts self assurance.

  7. Take Mock Tests: Participate in mock assessments or create your very own timed practice tests to simulate actual examination situations. Analyze your overall performance to perceive regions that need improvement.

  8. Seek Clarifications: Don't hesitate to invite instructors or friends for clarification on any doubts or hard subjects. Clearing doubts directly is essential for a strong knowledge.

  9. Stay Healthy: Maintain a balanced way of life with ok sleep, everyday exercise, and a healthful weight loss program. This facilitates in improving attention and common properly-being.

  10. Stay Positive and Manage Stress: Avoid ultimate-minute cramming and maintain a wonderful mind-set. Engage in relaxation strategies, along with meditation or deep breathing, to manipulate pressure.

  11. Utilize Breaks Effectively: During breaks from reading, interact in sports that rejuvenate your mind, like pastimes or mild physical activities, to prevent burnout.

  12. Stay Updated: Keep yourself up to date with any modifications or updates in the examination pattern or syllabus by means of regularly checking reliable notifications from the CHSE.

Odisha 12th Board Time Table 2024: Guidelines for Students

  1. Review the Timetable Thoroughly: Upon release, cautiously study the timetable to apprehend the collection of exams, timings, and any gaps between papers.

  2. Prepare a Study Plan: Organize your examine ordinary aligned with the timetable. Allocate good enough time for each situation, giving precedence to weaker areas.

  3. Subject-clever Preparation: Focus on one issue at a time. Revise significantly and exercise questions in step with the examination agenda.

  4. Balanced Preparation: Maintain balance by way of allocating time to each subject in keeping with the timetable. Avoid neglecting any situation.

  5. Regular Revision: Schedule normal revisions of formerly studied topics to enhance gaining knowledge of and reminiscence retention.

  6. Stay Informed: Keep an eye fixed on any updates or modifications to the timetable provided by using the Odisha Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE).

  7. Maintain Health: Ensure proper relaxation, vitamins, and exercising during the examination duration to stay mentally and physically in shape.

  8. Follow Exam Day Instructions: On exam days, adhere to the policies and guidelines furnished with the aid of the CHSE. Reach the examination center on time and convey all important files.

  9. Stay Calm: Manage strain through rest techniques like deep breathing or meditation. Maintain a fine mind-set for the duration of the exam duration.

  10. Utilize Breaks Wisely: During breaks from analyzing, engage in sports that refresh your thoughts without causing distraction.

  11. Support System: Seek guidance from instructors, mentors, or mother and father if going through difficulties in any subject. Collaboration can make clear doubts and beautify knowledge.

  12. Avoid Last-minute Cramming: Prioritize consistent revision and exercise as opposed to cramming right before checks.

How to Download Odisha 12th Board Time Table 2024?

  1. Visit the Official CHSE Website: Go to the respectable internet site of CHSE Odisha. The internet site URL is probably to be something like chseodisha.nic.in or www.chseodisha.ac.in.

  2. Locate the Examination Section: Look for a segment specifically dedicated to examinations, timetables, or educational schedules. This phase might be inside the fundamental menu or beneath the "Examinations" tab.

  3. Find "12th Board Time Table" or Similar Option: Within the examination phase, there might be a subsection specially dedicated to the "12th Board Time Table," "Exam Schedule," or some thing comparable.

  4. Select Academic Year (2024): Choose the instructional year as 2024 or the relevant consultation/year for which you need to download the timetable.

  5. Download the Time Table: Once you've selected the ideal alternatives, there need to be download hyperlinks or PDF documents to be had for the 12th Board Time Table for 2024. Click at the link to down load the timetable record.

  6. Save the Time Table: Save the downloaded report in your device for destiny reference. Ensure the downloaded report corresponds to the best academic 12 months and sophistication.

  7. Check for Updates: Periodically check the respectable CHSE website for any updates or modifications to the timetable, if any.

Odisha 12th Board Official Website Details

The legit website of the Odisha Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) serves as a complete platform on hand at chseodisha.nic.in. It affords crucial resources for college kids, educators, and stakeholders, imparting crucial exam-related facts, timetables, consequences, and academic notifications. The site facilitates get admission to to exam forms, admit playing cards, and result bulletins, appearing as a vital hub for queries and grievances.

Details Mentioned on Odisha 12th Board Time Table 2024

  1. Exam Dates: Specific dates for every situation's examination, along with the day of the week and the timing for every examination session (morning/afternoon).

  2. Subject Names and Codes: List of subjects together with their respective codes, indicating the order of exams.

  3. Examination Timings: Start and cease times for each exam consultation, regularly indicating morning or afternoon periods.

  4. Instructions for Students: Any unique instructions or suggestions for college kids, including reporting times, rules concerning calculators or different accredited aids, and many others.

  5. Changes or Updates: Any changes or updates to the formerly released time table, if applicable.

  6. Exam Center Details: Sometimes, information regarding examination facilities or instructions on the way to locate them might be blanketed.


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