

JAC Board Time Table 2024: Exam Dates, Schedule and Time Table

JAC Board fosters academic excellence in Jharkhand. Explore quality education, assessments, and diverse opportunities for student success.

Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) conducts board examinations of sophistication 10 and 12 within the kingdom of Jharkhand. The JAC Board Time Table for 2024 is an essential report that outlines the examination schedule for stage 12 college students.

The JAC Board Time Table 2024 generally consists of specific facts approximately the exam dates, times and topics for the Class 12th board assessments. Officially launched on JAC website (jac.jharhand.gov.in) and available for college students to down load and consult at the time of examination notification.

JAC Board Time Table Highlights 2024

Feature Details
Exams for: Classes 10 and 12
Exam Mode: Pen and Paper
Theory Exam Period: February 6th to 26th, 2024
Number of Theory Exams: 6-7 per class
Break Between Exams: Minimum of 2 days between major subjects
Official Website: jac.jharkhand.gov.in

How to Apply for JAC Board 2024?

  1. School Registration: Schools generally register their students for the JAC board exams. Ensure your school completes the registration manner within the stipulated timeframe.

  2. Collect Application Forms: Obtain the software form out of your faculty's management office. Fill it out correctly and provide all essential details as per the instructions furnished.

  3. Submit Required Documents: Along with the application form, put up any required files consisting of identification proofs, pics, and different files precise through the board.

  4. Fee Payment: Pay the exam prices as consistent with the commands supplied by means of the school or the JAC board. Ensure the expenses are paid inside the detailed closing date to keep away from any overdue prices or complications.

  5. Verification: Review all details filled in the application form for accuracy. Any errors should be corrected before submission.

  6. Admit Card Collection: Once the application procedure is finished and the examination agenda is introduced, collect your admit card/corridor price ticket from the school earlier than the examination.

  7. Follow Guidelines: Adhere to any hints or commands furnished by means of the JAC board concerning the examination manner, agenda, and regulations all through the examination duration.

JAC Board Important Dates 2024

Date/Event Description
November 30, 2023 JAC Board Class 10 Admit Card Release (tentative)
December 7, 2023 JAC Board Class 12 Admit Card Release (tentative)
February 6th - 26th, 2024 JAC Board Class 10 & 12 Theory Exams
Feb 6th, 2024 JAC Class 10 & 12 Exams begin (Specific subjects confirmed in official timetable)
Feb 21st, 2024 JAC Class 12 Mathematics Exam
Feb 23rd, 2024 JAC Class 10 & 12 English Exam
Feb 26th, 2024 Expected completion of JAC Theory Exams
March 2024 (estimated) JAC Practical Exams (Specific dates to be confirmed)
April 27th, 2024 (estimated): JAC Board Class 10 & 12 Result Declaration

What are the Eligibility Criteria for in JAC Board 2024?

  1. Educational Qualification: Students have to have completed the preceding elegance (normally elegance 11) from a diagnosed board or organization affiliated with the JAC.

  2. Attendance Requirement: Meeting the attendance criteria set through the school or educational group is crucial. Students often need to hold a minimum percentage of attendance to be eligible to take a seat for the board checks.

  3. Course Completion: Ensure that you have completed the essential coursework and syllabus for sophistication 12th as prescribed by using the JAC board or the faculty.

  4. Registration: Students should be registered for the board assessments via their respective faculties inside the unique timeframe set through the JAC.

  5. Document Submission: Submission of required documents together with identification proofs, crammed application forms, photos, and some other documents distinctive by using the board is obligatory for eligibility.

  6. Fee Payment: Payment of examination fees within the stipulated cut-off date is crucial. Late price payments is probably situation to additional expenses or might affect eligibility.

  7. Compliance with Board Regulations: Adhering to the regulations and regulations set through the JAC board regarding exam tactics, conduct, and every other unique pointers is important.

Documents Required For Registration in JAC Board 2024

  1. Filled Application Form: Complete the utility form furnished via the school or the board with accurate non-public details.

  2. Photographs: Recent passport-sized pictures as according to the specifications noted inside the software shape.

  3. Identification Proof: Any government-issued identity report consisting of Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Passport, or any other ID detailed by means of the board.

  4. Previous Academic Records: Documents verifying final touch of the previous magnificence (e.g., Class 11 mark sheets or certificate).

  5. School Identity Card: A college-issued identity card or any document confirming enrollment in the school.

  6. Fee Receipt: Proof of fee of examination expenses as prescribed via the board.

  7. Caste Certificate (if applicable): For students availing reservations or belonging to unique classes, a valid caste certificates might be required.

  8. Domicile Certificate: In a few cases, a abode certificate verifying residency in Jharkhand is probably vital.

JAC Board Preparation Tips 2024

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Gain an intensive knowledge of the whole syllabus for each difficulty. Divide it into potential sections for better making plans.

  2. Create a Study Plan: Develop a observe agenda allocating sufficient time to every problem based totally on trouble level and your proficiency. Ensure to consist of breaks for relaxation and relaxation.

  3. Quality Study Material: Refer to prescribed textbooks, notes, and supplementary look at substances recommended by way of teachers or the board. Solve sample papers and previous years' question papers to apprehend the examination sample.

  4. Regular Revision: Regularly revise what you've studied to strengthen your memory and expertise of the subjects.

  5. Practice Mock Tests: Take mock checks to simulate exam conditions. This helps in enhancing time control, accuracy, and self assurance.

  6. Concept Clarity: Focus on know-how principles rather than rote getting to know. Clear standards make sure better retention and alertness in exams.

  7. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a wholesome habitual with right sleep, balanced nutrients, and ordinary exercising. It complements awareness and reminiscence.

  8. Clarify Doubts: Seek assist from instructors or classmates for any doubts or tough topics. Don't hesitate to ask questions.

  9. Time Management: Practice time management in the course of tests. Allocate time for every query in line with its weightage.

  10. Stay Calm: Manage exam pressure through relaxation techniques, meditation, or hobbies. A calm mind plays better.

  11. Utilize Breaks Wisely: During breaks, have interaction in sports that loosen up your thoughts and frame. Avoid excessive display screen time.

  12. Follow Exam Guidelines: Understand and comply with the examination hints supplied by the JAC board.

JAC Board Time Table 2024: Guidelines for Students

  1. Schedule Management: Adhere strictly to the timetable outlined inside the JAC Board Time Table. Allocate particular time slots for each subject primarily based on the scheduled examination dates.

  2. Subject-sensible Preparation: Prioritize topics as according to the exam dates. Devote extra time to hard topics while revising less complicated ones concurrently.

  3. Revision Strategy: Regularly revise all subjects to strengthen reminiscence retention. Allocate sufficient time for revision earlier than every exam.

  4. Practice with Mock Tests: Utilize mock assessments and former years' question papers to get acquainted with the exam sample and time management.

  5. Healthy Routine: Maintain a balanced habitual with ok sleep, healthy food, and regular breaks for relaxation or bodily activity. A wholesome frame helps better awareness.

  6. Focused Study Sessions: Minimize distractions all through observe hours. Stay away from social media or any distractions that could bog down productiveness.

  7. Clarify Doubts: Don’t hesitate to seek explanation from instructors or classmates for any situation-related doubts or queries.

  8. Positive Mindset: Maintain a fine mind-set and manage stress via rest techniques like meditation or deep respiratory physical activities.

  9. Adherence to Exam Rules: Familiarize your self with the policies and rules set with the aid of the JAC Board for checks. Follow the instructions regarding exam day strategies.

  10. Check for Updates: Keep a watch on any updates or modifications within the timetable. Ensure you're privy to any adjustments made by means of the board.

  11. Pre-exam Preparations: Prepare all vital substances consisting of stationery, admit playing cards, and required files nicely in advance of the examination day.

  12. Time Management at some stage in Exams: During exams, manipulate your time efficaciously. Allocate time in keeping with the marks assigned to each query.

How to Download JAC Board Time Table 2024?

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official JAC Board internet site. The internet site URL is generally www.jac.jharkhand.gov.in or a comparable domain associated with the JAC Board.

  2. Find the Examination Section: Look for the "Examination" or "Time Table" segment on the homepage. This might be underneath the "Student's Corner" or a comparable tab.

  3. Locate the 12th Board Time Table: Search for the hyperlink or section specially citing the time desk for class 12th board tests for the yr 2024.

  4. Click on the Time Table Link: Click at the furnished hyperlink for the JAC Board Time Table for the year 2024. It might be in PDF format.

  5. Download or Save the Time Table: Once the time table is displayed, you may down load it by means of the use of the download icon or the 'Save As' choice in your browser. Save the PDF record on your device for destiny reference.

  6. Check for Updates: Periodically test the JAC Board internet site for any updates or changes made to the time table because the tests approach. The board would possibly occasionally make revisions or updates to the schedule.

JAC Board Official Website Details

The Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) Board's legitimate website, www.jac.jharkhand.gov.in, serves as a complete platform presenting essential information concerning examinations, syllabus, effects, and notifications. Students and educators access exam schedules, time tables, and vital announcements. The website helps online registrations, presents downloadable assets, together with preceding years' question papers, and acts as a hub for educational guidelines. It gives up to date statistics on academic guidelines, tasks, and vital tendencies, ensuring transparency and accessibility for students, dad and mom, and academic stakeholders in Jharkhand.

Details Mentioned on JAC Board Time Table 2024

  1. Exam Dates: Clearly special dates for every difficulty's exam.

  2. Exam Timings: The time slots allotted for every examination, indicating the begin and end instances.

  3. Subject Codes and Names: Codes and names of the topics for which assessments are scheduled.

  4. Instructions: Any particular commands or pointers for college students performing within the assessments, consisting of reporting time, guidelines on substances allowed within the exam hall, and other exam-associated protocols.

  5. Important Notes: Occasionally, there is probably critical notes or comments from the board regarding changes, extra commands, or other relevant data.


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