

ISC 12th Board Syllabus 2024: Updated Curriculum, Subjects

Navigate the path to success with comprehensive curriculum, expert guidance, and strategic preparation.

The ISC (Indian School Certificate) 12th Board Syllabus for the 12 months 2024 gives a complete framework to manual the educational pursuits of students. This updated curriculum reflects a dedication to presenting a holistic education that nurtures important thinking and realistic application of understanding.

Covering a numerous range of topics, together with Science, Commerce, and Arts, the ISC 12th Board Syllabus 2024 is designed to prepare college students for both higher education and real-global challenges. Each subject undergoes meticulous updates to align with evolving educational requirements and enterprise demands, ensuring students are nicely-equipped for destiny endeavors.

ISC 12th Board Syllabus Highlights 2024

Subject Key Highlights (2023) Potential Changes for 2024 (unofficial)
English Focus on critical thinking, writing skills, and literature analysis. Increased emphasis on digital literacy and contemporary issues.
Physics Covers mechanics, optics, electromagnetism, and modern physics. Introduction of new topics like artificial intelligence or quantum mechanics.
Chemistry Focuses on physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry. Integration of environmental chemistry or green technology concepts.
Mathematics Includes algebra, calculus, vector algebra, and statistics. Introduction of data analysis or machine learning applications.
Biology Covers zoology, botany, genetics, and ecology. Increased focus on biotechnology and its applications.
History Covers ancient, medieval, modern, and Indian history. Deeper exploration of specific historical periods or themes.
Economics Covers microeconomics, macroeconomics, and international trade. Inclusion of recent economic developments or case studies.
Geography Covers physical geography, human geography, and environmental geography. Increased focus on climate change and sustainable development.

ISC 12th Board Syllabus Eligibility Criteria 2024


  • Reduced and revised: The syllabus for some topics like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce, and many others. has been reduced and revised as compared to the previous 12 months.
  • Focus on better order questioning: The revised syllabus emphasizes important questioning, trouble-fixing, and application of knowledge.
  • Subject combinations: Candidates can pick a most of six subjects, inclusive of the compulsory English Language. Some combos are not allowed, so test the professional syllabus when launched.
  • Downloadable PDFs: Once released, the syllabus for every concern may be to be had in PDF layout on the CISCE website (cisce.org).

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Educational qualification: Passed ICSE or equal examination.
  • Minimum attendance: Some colleges would possibly require a minimum attendance percentage.
  • Age limit: No unique age limit, but need to have finished Class 11 in a CISCE-affiliated faculty.
  • Documents required for registration: Filled registration shape, passport-length images, date of start proof, previous academic statistics, and so on.

Additional Information:

  • The ISC 12th Board Exam sample may also exchange for 2024. Expect extra better order and vital thinking questions.
  • Stay updated with the aid of frequently checking the CISCE internet site for legitimate announcements and syllabus release.

Subject-wise ISC 12th Board Syllabus 2024

1. English:

  • Reading Comprehension (40 marks): Unseen passages, summaries, vocabulary physical games.
  • Writing Skills (40 marks): Essays, letters, particular writing tasks.
  • Literature (40 marks): Prose, drama (one play), poetry (decided on poems).

2. Mathematics:

  • Algebra (40 marks): Relations and capabilities, inverse trigonometry, matrices and determinants, continuity and differentiability.
  • Calculus (40 marks): Differentiation and its packages, integration and its programs, differential equations.
  • Vector Algebra and Statistics (40 marks): Vectors and three-dimensional geometry, opportunity and linear programming.

3. Physics:

  • Mechanics (40 marks): Kinematics, laws of motion, work, strength and power, round motion.
  • Optics and Waves (40 marks): Ray optics and optical gadgets, wave motion and sound, electromagnetism.
  • Modern Physics (40 marks): Dual nature of matter and radiation, atoms and nuclei, electronics devices.

4. Chemistry:

  • Physical Chemistry (40 marks): Chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, equilibrium, answers and colligative homes.
  • Inorganic Chemistry (40 marks): s-Block factors, p-Block elements, d-Block elements, coordination chemistry.
  • Organic Chemistry (40 marks): Hydrocarbons and their derivatives, organic chemistry of nitrogen compounds, polymers and biomolecules.

5. Biology:

  • Zoology (40 marks): Animal nation and class, anatomy and body structure of human beings, duplicate and genetics, ecology and surroundings.
  • Botany (40 marks): Plant nation and type, morphology and anatomy of plant life, plant physiology and reproduction, biotechnology and plant breeding.

How To Download ISC 12th Board Syllabus 2024?

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the legitimate website of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). The legitimate internet site is http://www.cisce.org/.

  2. Navigate to the Academic Section: Look for the "Academic" or "Curriculum" section on the internet site. This is in which you're probably to discover statistics related to syllabi and curriculum.

  3. Select Class 12 and Year 2024: Find the hyperlink or segment associated with the ISC 12th Board Syllabus for the yr 2024. There is probably alternatives to select the educational yr, so make certain to pick 2024.

  4. Choose Your Stream: Depending on your chosen circulate (Science, Commerce, Arts), pick out the applicable link to get admission to the specific syllabus to your topics.

  5. Download the PDF: Once you've got reached the ideal phase, there have to be an option to down load the syllabus in PDF layout. Click at the link to initiate the down load.

  6. Contact School or Board: If you face any problems or if the data is not without problems available on the website, you can touch your school's management or the CISCE without delay for help. They can also offer steerage on accessing the syllabus.

  7. Check for Updates: It's recommended to test for any updates or notifications from the CISCE regarding the syllabus. There can be adjustments or extra facts that you must be aware about.

ISC 12th Board Preparation Tips 2024

  1. Understand the Syllabus:

    • Familiarize yourself with the ISC 12th Board Syllabus for 2024. Know the topics, weightage, and exam patterns for each subject.
  2. Create a Realistic Study Schedule:

    • Develop a well-organized study timetable that allocates sufficient time to each subject. Prioritize based on exam dates and your proficiency in each subject.
  3. Use Quality Study Material:

    • Refer to prescribed textbooks, reference books, and study materials recommended by your teachers. Ensure that your study materials are up-to-date.
  4. Practice Regularly:

    • Solve previous years' question papers and sample papers to understand the exam pattern. Practice regularly to improve time management skills.
  5. Make Effective Notes:

    • Create concise and effective notes while studying. These notes will serve as a quick revision guide in the days leading up to the exams.
  6. Seek Clarification:

    • Don't hesitate to clarify doubts with your teachers. Addressing questions promptly ensures a solid understanding of the concepts.
  7. Group Study:

    • Collaborate with classmates for group study sessions. Discussing concepts with peers can offer different perspectives and deepen your understanding.
  8. Utilize Technology Wisely:

    • Explore educational apps, online resources, and multimedia tools to enhance your learning. However, ensure that technology doesn't become a distraction.
  9. Take Care of Health:

    • Maintain a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep, balanced meals, and regular exercise. A healthy body supports better concentration and memory.
  10. Time Management During Exams:

    • Practice time management while solving sample papers. Allocate specific time to each section to simulate exam conditions.
  11. Stay Informed:

    • Keep yourself updated on any changes in the exam pattern, schedule, or other important announcements from the CISCE (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations).
  12. Revision is Key:

    • Regularly revise the subjects to reinforce your learning. Focus on key concepts, formulas, and important dates.
  13. Mock Tests:

    • Take mock tests to assess your preparation. Mock tests help you identify weak areas and improve your exam strategy.
  14. Stay Positive:

    • Maintain a positive attitude. Believe in your capabilities, and stay calm during the exams. Positive thinking can boost your performance.

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