

CBSE 12th Board Syllabus 2024: Updated Class 12 Curriculum, Subjects

Prepare for success in the CBSE 12th Board Exam with comprehensive study resources. Access syllabus insights.

The CBSE 12th Board Syllabus for 2024 is meticulously crafted to offer a comprehensive and current training for Class 12 college students. Covering Science, Commerce, and Arts streams, the curriculum undergoes periodic updates to align with educational advancements.

In the 2024 syllabus, there is a continued emphasis on sensible application, crucial questioning, and interdisciplinary getting to know. The inclusion of rising topics ensures that students are nicely-prepared for the challenges of better schooling and numerous career paths.

CBSE 12th Board Syllabus Highlights 2024

Subject Key Changes/Highlights
English: Increased focus on communicative skills with more unseen passages and creative writing tasks. Introduction of concept-based grammar learning.
Mathematics: Streamlined syllabus with some topics removed and focus on application-based problems. Increased emphasis on reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Physics: Integration of technology and simulations in learning. Focus on understanding real-world applications of physics principles.
Chemistry: Emphasis on competency-based learning with hands-on activities and experimentation. Introduction of environmental and societal impacts of chemistry.
Biology: Updated syllabus to reflect recent advancements in biological sciences. Focus on critical thinking and research skills.
Commerce: Introduction of new topics like financial technology and digital marketing. Focus on analytical and decision-making skills.
Arts (History, Political Science, etc.): Emphasis on value-based education and ethical reasoning. Inclusion of contemporary issues and debates.
Languages: Increased focus on spoken fluency and communication skills. Introduction of literature from diverse regions and cultures.

CBSE 12th Board Syllabus Eligibility Criteria 2024

Syllabus Highlights:

  • Focus on application-based learning: The syllabus emphasizes understanding and applying concepts learned in class to real-life scenarios.
  • Competency-based learning approach: This approach focuses on developing specific skills and knowledge in each subject.
  • Integration of technology: Technology will be used in teaching and learning to enhance student engagement and understanding.
  • Value-based education: The syllabus emphasizes ethical values and good citizenship.
  • Focus on communication skills: The syllabus will focus on developing reading, writing, and speaking skills in English and Hindi.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Academic Qualification:
    • Must have passed Class 11 examination from a recognized school affiliated to CBSE or another recognized board.
    • Currently studying in Class 12 in a CBSE-affiliated school during the academic year 2023-24.
    • Must have obtained at least 33% marks in all subjects in Class 11 (both theory and practical/project work).
  • Age Limit: No specific age limit for regular candidates.

Additional Criteria:

  • Private candidates must have passed Class 11 at least two years before appearing for the Class 12 exam.
  • Candidates who fail one or two subjects in Class 12 can appear for those subjects in the supplementary exam.
  • Candidates with specific medical conditions may be eligible to appear for the exam with relevant documentation.

Subject-wise CBSE 12th Board Syllabus 2024


  • Reading Comprehension: Focuses on growing essential wondering abilties via various text sorts like essays, poems, and news articles.
  • Writing Skills: Includes creative writing, argumentative writing, and descriptive writing.
  • Grammar and Vocabulary: Covers critical grammar regulations and vocabulary constructing sporting events.
  • Literature: Introduces conventional and modern-day literature from numerous areas and cultures.


  • Sets and Relations: Introduces diverse set operations and capabilities.
  • Algebra: Covers advanced algebraic standards like matrices, determinants, and inequalities.
  • Calculus: Deals with differentiation and integration, with packages in diverse fields.
  • Vectors and 3D Geometry: Introduces vector algebra and 3D coordinate geometry.
  • Probability and Statistics: Includes simple probability concepts and statistical evaluation.


  • Electrostatics: Covers electric powered prices, fields, and capability.
  • Current Electricity: Explains the glide of electric contemporary and its results.
  • Magnetism: Introduces magnetic fields, forces, and electromagnetism.
  • Optics: Deals with light waves, reflection, refraction, and optical devices.
  • Modern Physics: Explores topics like atomic structure, nuclear physics, and relativity.


  • Solid State: Covers the homes and structures of solids.
  • Solutions: Explains the conduct of answers and their homes.
  • Chemical Kinetics: Introduces the charge of chemical reactions and factors affecting it.
  • Surface Chemistry: Deals with the interaction of surfaces with matter and energy.
  • Chemistry in Everyday Life: Applications of chemistry in various industries and tactics.


  • Plant Kingdom: Covers the class, shape, and features of plants.
  • Animal Kingdom: Explains the category, anatomy, and physiology of animals.
  • Cell Biology: Introduces the shape and functions of cells.
  • Genetics: Explores the principles of inheritance and version.
  • Ecology and Environment: Addresses ecological relationships and environmental problems.


  • Financial Accounting: Covers accounting standards, journalizing, and instruction of economic statements.
  • Company Accounts: Introduces the concepts of percentage capital, debentures, and corporation debts.
  • Partnership Accounts: Explains the formation, operation, and dissolution of partnerships.
  • Analysis of Financial Statements: Teaches a way to interpret and examine financial information.
  • Accounting Ratios: Introduces diverse ratios used to evaluate the monetary performance of a business.

Business Studies

  • Nature and Scope of Business: Explains the fundamental principles of business and its surroundings.
  • Principles of Management: Introduces the features of management and diverse management concepts.
  • Marketing Management: Covers advertising and marketing ideas, strategies, and product development.
  • Financial Management: Explains monetary making plans, budgeting, and investment decisions.
  • Human Resource Management: Introduces the recruitment, selection, and development of employees.


  • Microeconomics: Deals with character financial decisions and marketplace conduct.
  • Macroeconomics: Introduces national income, inflation, and monetary increase.
  • Indian Economy: Explains the structure and improvement of the Indian financial system.
  • International Trade and Finance: Covers global trade guidelines and financial systems.
  • Development Economics: Introduces the ideas of monetary development and poverty relief.

Computer Science

  • Programming Fundamentals: Covers primary programming principles and languages like Python or Java.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms: Explains diverse records systems and their efficient algorithms.
  • Computer Networks and Operating Systems: Introduces the concepts of computer networks and working systems.
  • Database Management Systems: Explains the standards of database control and SQL.
  • Web Technologies: Covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for internet development.

How To Download CBSE 12th Board Syllabus 2024?

  1. Visit the Official CBSE Website: Go to the professional internet site of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The official CBSE internet site is https://www.cbse.gov.in/ or https://cbse.nic.in/.

  2. Navigate to the Syllabus Section: Look for a segment at the website this is mainly committed to the syllabus. This can be labeled as "Academics," "Curriculum," or some thing comparable.

  3. Select Academic Year 2024: Within the syllabus phase, search for options to choose the academic 12 months. Select the educational year 2024 to access the up to date syllabus.

  4. Choose Class 12: After selecting the educational yr, pick out the magnificence as "Class 12" to get admission to the syllabus precise to this class.

  5. Select Stream (Science, Commerce, Arts): If applicable, pick out the circulation you are enrolled in (Science, Commerce, Arts) to get right of entry to the syllabus on your precise subjects.

  6. Download PDFs: Click on the hyperlinks or icons furnished for each problem to download the syllabus files. The files are generally in PDF layout.

  7. Save or Print: Save the downloaded PDFs for your pc or tool for offline reference. You also can choose to print a tough replica for your convenience.

  8. Check for Updates: Periodically test the respectable CBSE website for any updates or amendments to the syllabus. The board may additionally release extra notifications or circulars that would impact the syllabus.

  9. Contact School Authorities: If you've got difficulty finding the syllabus or have specific questions about it, contact your faculty government. They can offer steerage and can have extra assets.

CBSE 12th Board Preparation Tips 2024

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the CBSE 12th Board Syllabus for 2024. Understand the weightage of every unit or bankruptcy to prioritize your look at plan.

  2. Create a Realistic Study Schedule: Develop a properly-balanced look at schedule that covers all topics. Allocate particular time slots for every subject and consist of breaks to keep away from burnout.

  3. Use Quality Study Material: Utilize CBSE-prescribed textbooks and reference books for complete guidance. Online resources and practice papers also can be beneficial.

  4. Practice Regularly: Solve preceding years' query papers and sample papers to apprehend the examination sample and practice time control. Regular exercise builds self assurance and improves your hassle-fixing abilities.

  5. Focus on Weak Areas: Identify your weak areas and allocate more time to bolster them. Seek assist from teachers or peers if needed and address any conceptual doubts.

  6. Make Revision a Priority: Regularly revise what you've studied to boost ideas and preserve data. Create concise notes for short revision in the direction of the exam dates.

  7. Stay Healthy: Maintain a healthy way of life with adequate sleep, right vitamins, and regular exercise. A healthy body contributes to higher awareness and cognitive characteristic.

  8. Manage Exam Stress: Practice stress-comfort strategies including deep respiration, meditation, or yoga to live calm in the course of exam days. Break down your observe classes into attainable chunks to lessen strain.

  9. Stay Updated on Changes: Keep yourself informed about any adjustments inside the examination pattern, marking scheme, or syllabus. Check the official CBSE website or notifications for updates.

  10. Seek Guidance: If you face challenges in understanding certain subjects, don't hesitate to invite for assist from instructors, classmates, or on line boards. Clearing doubts right away is vital for a robust foundation.

  11. Use Technology Wisely: Leverage academic apps, on line take a look at substances, and digital examine companies to supplement your studying. However, ensure that your display time is effective and now not distracting.

  12. Mock Tests: Take full-duration mock checks underneath examination-like situations to simulate the actual examination surroundings. This allows in improving time control and builds self belief.


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