

Bihar 12th Board Time Table 2024: Exam Dates and Schedule

Get Bihar 12th Board updates - exam dates, result announcements, and important information for Intermediate students in 2024.

The Bihar 12th Board Time Table 2024 would outline the exam time table for diverse streams which include Arts, Science, and Commerce, along with each principle and realistic examinations. It might specify the dates, timings, and topics for every examination, permitting students to plan their look at time table for that reason.

The Time Table could additionally provide crucial instructions and guidelines for college kids regarding examination processes, reporting instances, period of exams, and different applicable info. Additionally, it'd spotlight any breaks or gap days between examinations, permitting students to allocate time for revision and preparation among papers.

Bihar 12th Board Time Table Highlights 2024

Exam Date Subject Time
March 10, 2024 English 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
March 12, 2024 Hindi 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
March 14, 2024 Mathematics 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
March 16, 2024 Physics 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
March 18, 2024 Chemistry 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
March 20, 2024 Biology 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
March 22, 2024 Political Science 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
March 24, 2024 History 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
March 26, 2024 Economics 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
March 28, 2024 Geography 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

How to Apply for Bihar 12th Board 2024?

  1. Registration: Ensure you are registered with your respective college for the 12th Board examinations. Schools generally facilitate the registration manner for college kids acting inside the board exams.

  2. Collect Application Forms: Obtain the software paperwork and information bulletin/guidebook out of your faculty or the professional BSEB internet site as soon as they may be to be had.

  3. Fill the Application Form: Carefully study the instructions, tips, and eligibility criteria stated in the application form and fill inside the required information correctly. Ensure you provide accurate personal, academic, and different critical statistics as per the suggestions.

  4. Attach Documents: Attach essential files, such as pix, signatures, identification proof, and different required certificate or testimonials as specific in the application form or hints.

  5. Pay Examination Fee: Pay the prescribed examination rate for the Bihar 12th Board examinations in the certain closing date. Ensure you bought a receipt or acknowledgment for the price charge as proof.

  6. Submit the Form: Submit the completed software form together with the necessary files and price charge receipt for your school or the certain authority as in line with the commands provided.

  7. Collect Admit Card: After a success submission and verification of your application shape, collect your admit card or corridor ticket from your faculty or as notified by using the BSEB. Admit cards are crucial for appearing in the board examinations.

  8. Review and Prepare: Review the examination agenda, syllabus, and guidelines supplied by the BSEB. Prepare very well for your exams, comply with a established look at plan, and utilize assets successfully to perform properly.

  9. Stay Updated: Regularly take a look at the reputable BSEB internet site, school notices, or different dependable resources for any updates, notifications, or adjustments related to the Bihar 12th Board 2024 examinations.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for in Bihar 12th Board 2024?

  1. Academic Qualification: Students ought to have successfully cleared the 11th general or equivalent examination from a recognized instructional institution affiliated with the BSEB or every other identified board/institution.

  2. Minimum Attendance: Maintain a minimal attendance percent as in line with the guidelines precise via the BSEB or your respective college/faculty to be eligible for performing inside the board examinations.

  3. Registration: Ensure timely registration along with your faculty or academic group for the 12th Board examinations. Schools typically facilitate the registration technique for college students acting in the board assessments.

  4. Document Verification: Provide necessary files, along with instructional transcripts, identity evidence, images, and other required certificates or testimonials, during the registration procedure as consistent with the pointers furnished by the BSEB.

  5. Fee Payment: Pay the prescribed exam price in the designated closing date as notified by means of the BSEB or your faculty/faculty. Ensure you bought a receipt or acknowledgment for the charge fee as proof.

  6. Age Criteria: While age standards may additionally vary based on specific rules or updates via the BSEB, college students are generally required to satisfy the age necessities distinct for appearing in the 12th Board examinations.

  7. Syllabus Completion: Ensure crowning glory of the prescribed syllabus for the 12th general as according to the tips supplied with the aid of the BSEB or your academic institution to be well-prepared for the examinations.

Documents Required For Registration in Bihar 12th Board 2024

  1. Previous Academic Records: Copies of mark sheets or transcripts from the 11th trendy or equivalent examination indicating that the pupil has effectively cleared the previous academic year.

  2. Identity Proof: A legitimate identity proof such as Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Passport, or any other authorities-issued ID for verification functions.

  3. Passport-sized Photographs: Recent passport-sized images with distinctive dimensions as consistent with the BSEB pointers. Ensure the pics are clean, coloured, and have a white background.

  4. Registration Form: Complete the registration form furnished by way of the faculty or instructional organization with accurate non-public, academic, and other required info.

  5. Fee Payment Receipt: Proof of payment of the prescribed exam rate, including a receipt or transaction acknowledgment, as specific through the BSEB or your college/school.

  6. Caste Certificate (if relevant): For college students belonging to reserved categories, offer a valid caste certificate issued by means of the competent authority to avail of any relevant reservations or benefits.

  7. Domicile Certificate: A homestead certificate or proof of residency in Bihar, if required, as per the guidelines detailed by way of the BSEB or nation authorities guidelines.

  8. Migration Certificate: In case of students shifting from different boards or states, a migration certificate can be required for registration as in line with the BSEB suggestions.

  9. Special Category Certificates: Any other unique class certificate along with incapacity certificates, if relevant, for students requiring unique hotels or concerns at some stage in the examinations.

Bihar 12th Board Preparation 2024

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the Bihar Board 12th syllabus for all topics. Create a take a look at plan protecting each topic and allocate enough time for revision.

  2. Organized Study Schedule: Develop a structured study timetable, allocating precise time slots for every concern based to your strengths and weaknesses. Ensure normal breaks to preserve concentration and keep away from burnout.

  3. Quality Study Material: Utilize prescribed textbooks, reference books, notes, and other relevant have a look at substances encouraged with the aid of teachers or experts. Focus on understanding standards as opposed to rote memorization.

  4. Previous Years' Papers: Solve previous years' Bihar 12th Board query papers and sample papers to make yourself familiar with the examination pattern, marking scheme, and critical subjects. This will assist you manipulate time for the duration of the real exam and raise self belief.

  5. Mock Tests and Practice: Take mock assessments or practice tests often to evaluate your training stage, become aware of areas of development, and enhance time management skills. Analyze your overall performance and awareness on strengthening weak areas.

  6. Revision Strategy: Plan everyday revision classes to revisit topics, formulation, diagrams, and key ideas. Create concise notes, flashcards, or thoughts maps to facilitate brief revision and retention of critical points.

  7. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and get ok sleep to make sure bodily and intellectual well-being. Engage in regular bodily sports, practice relaxation techniques, and control strain efficiently to stay centered and stimulated.

  8. Seek Guidance: Consult your instructors, mentors, or concern specialists if you have doubts or problems information specific subjects. Join look at businesses, attend revision classes, or keep in mind hiring a instruct for subjects you find challenging.

  9. Exam Strategies: Familiarize your self with the Bihar 12th Board examination pattern, pointers, and instructions. Practice writing answers, manage time efficiently during assessments, and comply with the prescribed format for long and quick answer questions, essays, and realistic checks.

  10. Stay Updated: Regularly take a look at the legitimate Bihar Board internet site, school notices, or different reliable assets for updates, notifications, or changes associated with the Bihar 12th Board 2024 examinations. Adhere to pointers, maintain educational integrity, and technique assessments with self assurance.

Bihar 12th Board Time Table 2024: Guidelines for Students

  1. Review the Time Table: Carefully assessment the Bihar 12th Board Time Table 2024 once it's available. Note down the dates, days, and timings of every examination for all topics.

  2. Subject Preparation: Plan your have a look at time table according to the Time Table. Allocate precise time slots for revision primarily based on the series of exams and your coaching degree for each problem.

  3. Time Management: Practice time control strategies to make certain you cowl the whole syllabus earlier than the respective checks. Allocate extra time for subjects or topics you locate challenging.

  4. Revision Strategy: Prioritize revision for subjects scheduled earlier within the Time Table. Create concise notes, flashcards, or summary sheets for quick revision and review vital ideas, formulation, and key points.

  5. Healthy Routine: Maintain a balanced weight loss program, live hydrated, and get good enough sleep all through the exam duration. Engage in ordinary physical activities, exercise relaxation strategies, and manipulate strain efficiently.

  6. Exam Day Preparedness: Familiarize your self with the Bihar Board exam tips, guidelines, and instructions noted within the Time Table. Ensure you have all important stationery, admit card, ID proof, and different important objects equipped for each examination.

  7. Reach Exam Center on Time: Arrive on the examination center properly earlier than the reporting time cited inside the Time Table. Follow all the commands furnished via the invigilators and adhere to the examination policies and regulations.

  8. Maintain Calm and Confidence: Stay calm, confident, and superb all through the exam length. Avoid remaining-minute revisions, agree with your coaching, and technique each examination with a centered and composed mindset.

  9. Follow Guidelines: Adhere to the Bihar Board's hints, commands, and protocols cited within the Time Table concerning exam tactics, timings, breaks, and other important aspects.

  10. Stay Updated: Regularly take a look at the legitimate Bihar Board website, faculty notices, or other reliable resources for any updates, notifications, or adjustments associated with the Bihar 12th Board 2024 examinations.

How to Download Bihar 12th Board Time Table 2024?

  1. Visit Official Website: Go to the legitimate internet site of the Bihar School Examination Board. The professional website hyperlink is usually "www.biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in".

  2. Navigate to Examination Section: Look for the 'Examination' or 'Time Table' phase at the homepage or inside the predominant menu of the website.

  3. Find 12th Board Time Table: Within the Examination segment, search for the link related to the Bihar 12th Board Time Table 2024.

  4. Download PDF File: Click on the link provided for the 12th Board Time Table 2024. A new web page or PDF file will open containing the certain Time Table. You can down load this PDF document on your tool by means of clicking on the down load icon or deciding on the down load option from the menu.

  5. Save and Access: Once downloaded, store the Bihar 12th Board Time Table 2024 PDF document on your device in a area where you could without problems get admission to it. You can also take a printout on your reference and making plans.

  6. Alternative Sources: If you stumble upon any problems getting access to the Time Table from the reputable internet site, don't forget contacting your college administration or checking different relied on academic platforms or news portals which can provide updates or direct hyperlinks to download the Bihar 12th Board Time Table 2024.

Bihar 12th Board Official Website Details

The legitimate website of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is a number one online platform offering critical statistics and updates associated with the 12th Board examinations. Accessible at "www.biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in", this user-pleasant website offers comprehensive details on exam schedules, time tables, results, syllabus, registration procedures, and other crucial assets for college kids, educators, and affiliated institutions. It facilitates on-line offerings together with exam registrations, admit card downloads, result announcements, and gives notifications, circulars, and recommendations to ensure transparency, accessibility, and efficient conversation for stakeholders worried in Bihar Board examinations and associated sports.

Details Mentioned on Bihar 12th Board Time Table 2024

  1. Examination Dates: The specific dates on which individual subjects' examinations can be conducted.

  2. Day and Timing: Details about the day of the examination (e.g., Monday, Tuesday, and so on.) and the precise timings (morning or afternoon consultation).

  3. Subject Names and Codes: A comprehensive listing of topics along side their respective concern codes for the 12th fashionable examinations.

  4. Duration of Exam: The overall duration allowed for each examination, indicating the start and cease times for morning and afternoon sessions.

  5. Important Instructions: Specific pointers or commands for students regarding the examination process, reporting time, materials allowed inside the exam hall, and different crucial protocols.

  6. Practical Examination Dates (if relevant): For topics requiring sensible examinations or mission reviews, unique dates, timings, and venue details may be mentioned one by one or inside the primary Time Table.

  7. Exam Centers: Information regarding the exam facilities in which students are assigned to appear for their respective tests, along side any additional info or instructions related to the facilities.

  8. Code of Conduct: Any rules, guidelines, or code of conduct predicted to be followed through students at some point of the exam period, ensuring fairness, integrity, and easy behavior of examinations.


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