Get comprehensive information on NPAT 2024, eligibility, syllabus, and preparation tips for successful admissions.

NMIMS NPAT Syllabus 2024: Download Subject Wise Syllabus Check at

Updated on - 6 May, 2024

The NPAT or NMIMS Programs After Twelfth is an entrance examination conducted by SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) Deemed-to-be University, Mumbai for admission to various undergraduate programs. The NPAT exam tests verbal ability, quantitative skills, and abstract reasoning. It aims to evaluate a candidate's readiness for undergraduate studies.  The NPAT is a 2-hour long computer-based test with objective type multiple choice questions. There are 3 sections - verbal ability, quantitative aptitude, and reasoning. NPAT scores are used for admission to various programs like BTech, BBA, BSc Finance, BSc Economics, BDes. Over 50,000 students appear for the NPAT every year.

The application process for NPAT 2024 will likely begin in January 2024. The exam dates will be announced roughly 1-2 months prior, likely falling between April to early June 2024. Results typically are declared within a month of the test date. Selected candidates need to complete the admission formalities as per the schedule.

NPAT Syllabus 2024 for Common/Non-Engineering Courses

Section Topics
Quantitative Aptitude Number System, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Statistics, Data Interpretation
Reasoning Ability Logical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Critical Thinking, Error Recognition, Contextual Usage, Sequencing of Ideas, Reading Comprehension
English Language Vocabulary, Grammar, Usage, Error Correction, Sentence Correction, Paraphrasing, Cloze Test

NPAT Syllabus 2024 for Numerical and Quantitative Analysis

Section Topics
Numerical Ability Number Systems, Arithmetic, Indices, Logarithms, Probability, Permutations and Combinations, Probability, Linear Algebra, Matrices, Determinants
Quantitative Analysis Statistics, Data Interpretation, Time Series Analysis, Correlation and Regression, Probability and Statistics

NMIMS NPAT Syllabus 2024 for Logical Reasoning

Topic Description
Basic Logical Concepts Understanding of basic logical concepts such as implication, equivalence, contrapositive, and converse.
Syllogism Understanding of syllogisms and their types.
Linear and Cyclic Order Understanding of linear and cyclic order and problems based on them.
Analogies Understanding of analogies and problems based on them.
Series Understanding of number, letter, and figural series and problems based on them.
Classification Understanding of classification and problems based on them.
Venn Diagrams Understanding of Venn diagrams and problems based on them.
Puzzles Understanding of puzzles and problems based on them.

NPAT Syllabus 2024 for Mathematics

Section Topics
Calculus Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus
Linear Algebra Matrices, Determinants, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Systems of Linear Equations
Probability and Statistics Probability, Statistics, Sampling Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, Regression Analysis
Numerical Methods Numerical Integration, Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
Discrete Mathematics Sets, Functions, Relations, Graph Theory, Combinatorics
Mathematical Reasoning Mathematical Logic, Proof Techniques

NPAT Syllabus 2024 for Physics

Section Topics
Mechanics Kinematics, Dynamics, Work, Energy, and Power, Rotational Motion, Gravitation, Oscillations
Heat and Thermodynamics Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Kinetic Theory of Gases
Electromagnetism Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current
Optics Reflection and Refraction, Optical Instruments, Wave Optics
Modern Physics Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics
NPAT Syllabus 2024 for Chemistry

Section Topics
Basic Concepts of Chemistry Atoms, Molecules, Ions, Chemical Bonds, Chemical Equations, Stoichiometry
Chemical Bonding Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding, Metallic Bonding, Hydrogen Bonding
Thermodynamics Thermodynamics, Enthalpy, Entropy, Gibbs Free Energy, Chemical Equilibrium
Kinetics Rate of Chemical Reactions, Reaction Mechanisms, Catalysis
Equilibrium Chemical Equilibrium, Le Chatelier's Principle, Acid-Base Equilibria, Solubility Equilibria
Solutions Solutions, Colligative Properties, Colloids and Surface Chemistry
Electrochemistry Electrochemistry, Redox Reactions, Batteries, Fuel Cells
Analytical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis

NPAT 2024 Logical Intelligence Syllabus

Topic Description
Basic Logical Concepts Understanding of basic logical concepts such as implication, equivalence, contrapositive, and converse.
Syllogism Understanding of syllogisms and their types.
Linear and Cyclic Order Understanding of linear and cyclic order and problems based on them.
Analogies Understanding of analogies and problems based on them.
Series Understanding of number, letter, and figural series and problems based on them.
Classification Understanding of classification and problems based on them.
Venn Diagrams Understanding of Venn diagrams and problems based on them.
Puzzles Understanding of puzzles and problems based on them.

NPAT 2024 Proficiency in English Syllabus

Topic Description
Vocabulary Understanding of the meaning of words and their usage in different contexts.
Grammar Understanding of the basic rules of grammar and how to use them correctly.
Usage Understanding of the correct usage of words and phrases in different contexts.
Error Correction Identifying and correcting errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Sentence Correction Identifying and correcting errors in sentence structure.
Paraphrasing Rephrasing a passage or sentence in a different way without changing its meaning.
Cloze Test Filling in the blanks in a passage with the correct words.

NPAT 2024 Design Syllabus

Topic Description
Principles of Design Understanding of the basic principles of design such as balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, rhythm, and variety.
Elements of Design Understanding of the basic elements of design such as line, shape, form, color, texture, and space.
Visual Perception Understanding of the principles of visual perception such as gestalt principles and depth perception.
Semiotics (Science of signs and symbols): Iconic, Symbolic, Indexical Understanding of the different types of signs and symbols.
Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics of Graphics Design Understanding of the different aspects of graphics design such as syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.
Interpretation of Space- Light and Scale (Spatial Properties) Understanding of the different aspects of spatial properties such as interpretation of space, light, and scale.
Orthographic representations, Isometric representations, and Basic Mechanics Understanding of the different types of orthographic representations, isometric representations, and basic mechanics.