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IIT JAM Syllabus 2024: Download Subject Wise Syllabus Check at @jam.iitm.ac.in

Updated on - 23 Apr, 2024

The joint Admission Test for M.Sc., (JAM) is a National level competitive examination, conducted in each calendar year by the IITs in a round robin fashion. It is conducted for the purpose of admission of the students into the programs of M.Sc, the Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D, M.Sc.-Ph.D dual degree and the other postgraduate science courses at the IITs, NITs, IISc and other institutes like IISER. The examination assesses the students on their skills in the subjects of calculus, analyzing and reasoning along with 

IIT JAM 2024 conducted on 12th Feb shows differece for 2023-24 session admissions. In 300 centers, 1.45 lakh applicants competed in CBAT mode examination We will be posting the results on our website in March 2024 and official website. The registration for JAM 2024 is likely to start in August -September 2024-highlighting the fact that it will be a yearly event, for the next coming years. The exact schedule of JAM 2024, including the exam date has not yet been decided but is expected to be around the month of February 2024 as per previous years' timelines. you can expect a detailed timetable to be published by the coordinating IIT on the official website a few months before the beginning of the recruitment test.

IIT JAM Exam Highlights 2024

IIT JAM Exam Highlight 2024 Details
Exam Date February 11, 2024
Exam Mode Online (Computer Based Test)
Number of Exam Papers 7
Subjects Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Geology, Economics, Mathematical Statistics
Duration 3 hours
Marking Scheme 1 or 2 marks per question
Negative Marking 1/3 mark for each wrong answer of 1 mark question; 2/3 mark for each wrong answer of 2 marks question
Eligibility Bachelor's degree in Science or equivalent with 55% aggregate marks (50% for SC/ST/PwD)

IIT JAM Syllabus 2024

Subject Syllabus
Physics Classical Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves, Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetism, Quantum Mechanics, Modern Physics
Chemistry Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Mathematics Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, Differential Equations, Algebra
Biotechnology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology
Geology Geomorphology, Mineralogy, Petrology, Structural Geology, Paleontology, Economic Geology
Economics Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Mathematical Economics
Mathematical Statistics Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, Statistical Methods

IIT JAM Chapter-wise Weightage

Subject Chapter Weightage
Physics Classical Mechanics 20%
Physics Oscillations and Waves 15%
Physics Thermodynamics 20%
Physics Electricity and Magnetism 20%
Physics Quantum Mechanics 15%
Physics Modern Physics 10%
Chemistry Physical Chemistry 30%
Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry 30%
Chemistry Organic Chemistry 40%
Mathematics Real Analysis 30%
Mathematics Linear Algebra 25%
Mathematics Complex Analysis 15%
Mathematics Differential Equations 20%
Mathematics Algebra 10%
Biotechnology Cell Biology 20%
Biotechnology Molecular Biology 20%
Biotechnology Genetics 20%
Biotechnology Biochemistry 20%
Biotechnology Microbiology 10%
Biotechnology Immunology 10%
Geology Geomorphology 15%
Geology Mineralogy 15%
Geology Petrology 15%
Geology Structural Geology 15%
Geology Paleontology 15%
Geology Economic Geology 20%
Economics Microeconomics 30%
Economics Macroeconomics 30%
Economics Econometrics 20%
Economics Mathematical Economics 20%
Mathematical Statistics Probability Theory 30%
Mathematical Statistics Statistical Inference 30%
Mathematical Statistics Statistical Methods 40%

IIT JAM Important Books for Preparation 2024

Subject Book Author
Physics Concepts of Physics H. C. Verma
Mathematics Advanced Engineering Mathematics Erwin Kreyszig
Chemistry Physical Chemistry P. W. Atkins and J. de Paula
Biotechnology Principles of Genetics D. L. Hartwell, L. Hood, M. L. Goldberg, A. M. Reynolds, L. A. Silver, and R. C. Veres
Geology Principles of Geology James Gilluly, Richard A. Daly, and Aaron C. Waters
Economics Principles of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw
Mathematical Statistics Mathematical Statistics: A Concise Introduction W. H. Kruskal, W. A. Wallis, and G. E. Woodroofe

IIT JAM Preparation Tips 2024

1. To start with, you should stay ahead - The preparation has to start at least 12-18 months in advance. It will be enough time for the entire course curricula to cover.

2. Get familiarised with the exam pattern - Always abide by the exam pattern, marking scheme, and weightage of a specific topic or topics. This shall enable you to figure out the strategy of studying that will fulfil your needs most.

3. Read Books from good/excellent authors and material from the well-known publishing houses - Books published by the renowned coaching institutes will be the best fit for self-study. Thus one can trust on the likes of Cengage and Arihant etc.

4. Take notes - Take notes on everything that is important (topics, formula, concepts etc.). Revise these notes repeatedly. This will enable us retain information

5. Use of previous years' papers - Solve the papers of last 5 years' question papers. This will tell you of the types of questions that are passed and the degree of the questions.

6. Give mock tests a try - When participating in mock tests often, you will be very familiar with the exam, and it will be much easier for you. Moreover, it will reveal your strong points and enamble you to work on you`re the points.

7. Eliminate the basics - Most questions in JAM are conceptually based and depending on the way you grasp these concepts, will determine the accuracy of the headline. Do not forget to master basic stuff first, and after that move to more advanced concepts.  

8. Learning how to problem solve: Do lots of numerical physics, chemistry, and maths problems as it will be a good exercise for your problem-solving skills.

9. Keep motivated – Keeping you whenever you are studying. Have a positive mindset. It is a long road, Khalili Loghmani Mitozhan.
