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GMAT Syllabus 2024: Download Subject Wise Syllabus Check at

Updated on - 15 Apr, 2024

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized exam that is very important for those who are interested in becoming a part of the graduate business community. Its goal is to determine how well a test taker can score in areas of analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitation and verbal ability. GMAT is a computer adaptive test, which can be taken at any of the official centers and takes an approximate time of 3.5 hours. More than 7,000 graduate business programs offered at around 2,300 GMAT test centers worldwide admit their candidate’s GMAT scores. The outcome of the test is scored as 6 to 51 on the quantitative and verbal reasoning score and 1 to 8 on the integrated reasoning score and 0 and 6 score is the analysis of writing. 

The average GMAT score is around a 55 percentile which is 550 out of 800. Alternatively, in case one needs to apply for business school in 2024 should plan to take the GMAT round starting in the month of May and ending in the month of September, 2023. We have over twenty five centers with three to five seats per time across all days of the week. Getting enrolled on time, going through all the exam sections diligently and taking in all the important elements of the GMAT test are what candidates need to do to get the appropriate GMAT score for their MBA application.

GMAT Syllabus 2024 Highlights

Category Highlight
Quantitative Reasoning 50% of the questions will be problem solving, 25% will be data sufficiency, and 25% will be geometry.
Verbal Reasoning 40% of the questions will be reading comprehension, 30% will be critical reasoning, and 30% will be sentence correction.
Integrated Reasoning 12 questions will test your ability to interpret and analyze data presented in different formats.
Analytical Writing Assessment 1 essay question will test your ability to write a clear and concise argument.

GMAT Focus Edition: Exam Format:

Section Number of Questions Time Limit
Quantitative Reasoning 21 45 minutes
Verbal Reasoning 23 45 minutes
Data Insights 20 45 minutes
Total 64 2 hours 15 minutes

GMAT Important Books for Preparation 2024

Book TitleDescriptionFocus
GMAT Official Guide 2024 BundleThe official source for GMAT exam info, with practice questions directly from the test makers.Overall GMAT prep
Manhattan Prep's All the GMAT Bundle, 7th EditionComprehensive set of books covering all GMAT topics with a focus on strategy.Overall GMAT prep
Kaplan's GMAT Prep Plus 2024Offers video lessons, practice tests, and a personalized study plan.Overall GMAT prep
PowerScore GMAT Critical Reasoning BibleIn-depth guide to mastering critical reasoning, a key section of the verbal portion.Verbal Reasoning
Veritas Prep GMAT Quant Score on PointStrengthens quantitative skills with a focus on problem-solving approaches.Quantitative Reasoning
