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GATE Seat Allotment 2024: Result, Seat Allotment, Exam Date

Updated on - 21 Mar, 2024

The GATE 2024 seat allotment will determine the institute and branch allotted to candidates based on their GATE score, preferences filled during counselling, seat availability, and reservation criteria. The process will start after the GATE 2024 results are declared by IIT Kanpur in mid-March 2024. Seat allotment will happen in multiple rounds consisting of initial rounds followed by spot rounds. In each round, candidates have to login to the GOAPS portal and fill/reorder their choices. Based on the candidate's GATE score and filled choices, they will be allotted seats in IITs, NITs, IIITs and other GATE participating institutes.

Higher rank candidates will get allotted preferred choices in initial rounds. Multiple seat allotment rounds will take place until most seats are filled up. There will also be an option to freeze the currently allotted seat. Finally, in the spot admission rounds, vacant seats in various institutes will be allotted just before the academic session begins. Qualified candidates who haven’t received seat allotment in earlier rounds will get last chance for admission in spot rounds.

GATE 2024 Seat Allotment Dates

Round Date
COAP Round 1 May 2024
COAP Round 2 May 2024
COAP Round 3 June 2024
COAP Round 4 June 2024
COAP Round 5 July 2024

Steps to Check GATE Seat Allotment 2024 Result

  1. Visit the Official Website: Start by visiting the official GATE website. The official website for GATE seat allotment may vary from year to year, so make sure to check the latest updates.

  2. Login: On the official website, look for the login portal for seat allotment. You will need to log in using your credentials, which may include your GATE registration number, password, and other required details.

  3. Access Seat Allotment Result: After logging in, navigate to the section that provides access to the seat allotment result. This section may be labeled as "Seat Allotment Result," "Allotment List," or something similar.

  4. Enter Details: Depending on the system in place, you may need to enter additional information such as your application number, date of birth, or a security code to access your allotment result.

  5. View Allotment Result: Once you have entered the required information, click on the "View Allotment Result" or a similar button. The seat allotment result for GATE 2024 will be displayed on the screen.

  6. Check Allotment Details: Review the seat allotment details carefully. This will include information about the program or institution you have been allotted, the category (if applicable), and any other relevant information.

  7. Acceptance and Confirmation: If you are satisfied with the seat allotment, you will usually be given the option to accept the seat. Follow the instructions to confirm your acceptance.

  8. Payment of Admission Fees: After accepting the seat, you may be required to pay the admission fees within a specified timeframe. Make sure to complete this step to secure your admission.

  9. Document Verification: Prepare and keep all necessary documents (GATE scorecard, educational certificates, identity proof, etc.) for document verification, which may be carried out at a later stage.

  10. Waitlist and Withdrawal: If you decide not to accept the allotted seat, you may need to follow a specific procedure to withdraw your application. This will allow the seat to be offered to another candidate on the waitlist.

  11. Follow Institution-Specific Instructions: It's essential to read and follow any institution-specific instructions provided in the allotment result notification. Institutions may have additional requirements or steps for the admission process.

GATE 2024 Direct Admission for Board Toppers

Institute Stream Eligibility
BITS Pilani All First rank in the respective board exam
IIIT Hyderabad All First rank in the respective board exam
IIT Roorkee All First rank in the respective board exam
IIT Delhi All First rank in the respective board exam
IIT Bombay All First rank in the respective board exam

GATE 2024 Seat Matrix

  • The number of applications received: The number of applications received for the GATE 2024 exam will affect the seat matrix. If there are more applications than seats available, then the GATE scores required for admission will be higher.
  • The GATE scores: The GATE scores of the candidates will also affect the seat matrix. The higher the GATE scores, the better the chances of getting a seat in a top institute.
  • The availability of seats: The availability of seats in a particular institute or course will also affect the seat matrix. If there are more seats available than applications received, then the GATE scores required for admission will be lower.

Important Dates for GATE Seat Allotment 2024

Event Description Date
Registration & Choice Filling Online registration on the CCMT website, fee payment, and filling preferences for institutes/programs June 5, 2024 (Tentative)
Choice Locking Finalizing and locking your preferred choices June 22, 2024 (Tentative)

Round 1

Event Description Date
Seat Allotment Result Announcement of seat allotment results based on choices, GATE score, and seat availability June 29, 2024 (Tentative)

After Seat Allotment (if seat is allotted):

Event Description Date
Seat Acceptance Fee (SAF) Payment Pay the required fee to confirm your seat acceptance June 29 - July 4, 2024 (Tentative)
Document Upload Upload scanned copies of required documents for verification June 29 - July 4, 2024 (Tentative)
Selection Option Choose Freeze (accept allotted seat), Float (participate in next round), or Slide (upgrade within same institute) June 29 - July 4, 2024 (Tentative)
Withdrawal Option to withdraw from the counselling process if you don't want the allotted seat June 29 - July 4, 2024 (Tentative)

GATE Seat Matrix 2024

Step Description
Choose Program & Institute: Decide on the specific M.Tech/M.Des program and the institute you're targeting.
Find Institute Website: Locate the official website of the chosen institute.
Navigate to Admissions: Look for the admissions section, likely named "Admissions," "Postgraduate Admissions," or something similar.
Search for GATE Seat Matrix: Within the admissions section, search for information related to the GATE seat matrix. It might be titled "GATE Seat Matrix," "Seat Allocation for M.Tech," or something similar.
Format of Seat Matrix: The seat matrix could be presented as a downloadable file (PDF/Excel) or displayed as a table on the webpage.
