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CUET Syllabus 2024: Subjects, Study Guide Check at

Updated on - 6 May, 2024

The CUET (Common University Entrance Test) is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for the selection of candidates into major undergraduate courses at the central universities in India. Was launched in 2024, CUET seeks to offer a uniform opportunity use for admissions at numerous central universities, deemed universities and other participating organizations. This exam evaluates a candidate's acumen throughout different strands of such domains like language, general knowledge, analytical skills, mathematical abilities, etc. While the other entrance exam on which the interview depends are subjective in nature, CUET has fully objective pattern with multiple-choice questions.

As per the NTA’s declared CUET 2024 results, about 9 lakh candidates registered for CUET entrance exam, and almost 60% of whom managed to qualify. In addition, 6 months in advance, students can expect to see the detailed exam schedule on the CUET official website with key dates related to registration submission deadline, admit card release date, exam date, result date, etc. It is from now that those candidates who will be in undergraduate admission in central universities in 2024-25 academic year should apply before the deadline of which has been set. Preparation should be done in advance of CUET because of its volume of syllabus which forces the students to prepare from Class 12 NCERT textbooks.

CUET Syllabus Highlights 2024

CUET Syllabus Highlights 2024 Details
Exam mode Computer-based test (CBT)
Number of sections 3
Section 1A Languages: Candidates can choose one language from a list of 13 Indian languages
Section 1B Languages: Candidates can choose one language from a list of 20 Indian and foreign languages
Section 2 Domain-specific subjects: Candidates can choose one domain-specific subject from a list of 27 subjects
Section 3 General test: Includes questions on quantitative reasoning, general knowledge, and logical reasoning
Syllabus The syllabus for each section is based on the NCERT syllabus for Class 12. However, the syllabus for the domain-specific subjects may be slightly more advanced.

CUET Chapter-wise Weightage

Subject Chapter Weightage
Biology Cell Biology 10-15%
Biology Genetics 10-15%
Biology Evolution 10-15%
Biology Plant Physiology 10-15%
Biology Animal Physiology 10-15%
Biology Ecology 10-15%
Chemistry Atomic Structure 10-15%
Chemistry Chemical Bonding 10-15%
Chemistry Thermodynamics 10-15%
Chemistry Equilibrium 10-15%
Chemistry Redox Reactions 10-15%
Chemistry Organic Chemistry 10-15%
Mathematics Algebra 20-25%
Mathematics Calculus 20-25%
Mathematics Coordinate Geometry 20-25%
Mathematics Vectors and 3D Geometry 15-20%
Mathematics Statistics and Probability 15-20%
Physics Mechanics 20-25%
Physics Waves 20-25%
Physics Electricity and Magnetism 20-25%
Physics Optics 15-20%
Physics Modern Physics 15-20%

CUET Important Books for Preparation 2024

Subject Book Author
English CUET English Mastery: A Step-by-Step Approach Arihant Experts
Mathematics Mastering Mathematics for CUET Dr. A. Rahman
Physics Fundamentals of Physics for CUET Prof. B. Hasan
Chemistry Chemistry for CUET Dr. S. Ahmed
Biology Biology for CUET Dr. R. Singh

CUET Exam Pattern 2024

CUET Exam Pattern 2024 Details
Exam mode Computer-based test (CBT)
Number of sections 3
Section 1A Languages: Candidates can choose one language from a list of 13 Indian languages
Section 1B Languages: Candidates can choose one language from a list of 20 Indian and foreign languages
Section 2 Domain-specific subjects: Candidates can choose one domain-specific subject from a list of 27 subjects
Section 3 General test: Includes questions on quantitative reasoning, general knowledge, and logical reasoning
Number of questions 175
Marking scheme 4 marks for each correct answer, -1 mark for each incorrect answer
Negative marking Yes
Passing marks No specific passing marks, depends on the participating universities